Install the gem in your Gemfile
gem "ActiveMerchant-FatZebra"
Then bundle install
- Setup the gateway in your app:
options = {
:username => "TEST",
:token => "TEST"
gateway = ActiveMerchant::Billing::FatZebraGateway.new(options)
# If you are testing, uncomment the following line
# ActiveMerchant::Billing::Base.gateway_mode = :test
- Setup the transaction data and then... transact!
cc = ActiveMerchant::Billing::CreditCard.new(:first_name => "Joe",
:last_name => "Smith",
:number => "5123456789012346",
:month => 12,
:year => 2013,
:verification_value => 123)
amount = 10000 # 100.00 in cents
result = gateway.purchase(amount, cc, { :order_id => "ORD18239", :ip => request.ip })
A list of test credit card numbers can be found at https://www.fatzebra.com.au/help/testing#card-numbers.
- Handle the response - the data you get back is:
result.success? # True or False depending on if the txn was successful
result.message # e.g. "Approved" or "Declined"
result.authorization # The transaction ID
result.test? # Indicates if this was a test transaction
result.params # Parameters passed by the gateway (e.g. may be additional info like fraud review score.)
result.params["result"]["id"] # The transaction ID
result.params["result"]["authorization"] # The acquirer authorization ID
result.params["result"]["token"] # The card token (when storing a card)
# Refunding the amount of $100.00, for the original transaction ID of "AB12887Z"
response = gateway.refund(10000, "AB12887Z", "REFUND1")
response.success? # true or false