Checkmarks is a trademark search and registration form web app!
Objective: The project scope is to enhance the landing page while maintaining clients ability to manage the layout page, enhance a word-mark search to match more on a robust set of criteria, enhance the trademark registration process with live data, additional fields, and additional functionality while maintaining existing integration with Law Pay and Clio.
- User lands on (wordPress landing page).
- User searches for an exact plain word trademark.
- Search function fetches data form a static database with data copied from Canadian Trademarks Database (Cipo).
- Data is returned as results that show exact matches of plain word trademarks only.
- User Clicks on Register Trademark from the main webpage.
- User is dierect to a multi-page form.
- User uses "Goods and Services" selector to add various government pre-approved goods and/or services to the User's application. Based on selected goods/services, the government application fee is automatically adjusted.
- User completes multi-page form and is direct to a payment page.
- user complets payment, pamemnt held in lawyers's trust account until application is complete.
- pre-paid application is email to reviewing lawyer/trademark agent.
Front-end: React
Back-end:.NET Core(back-end)
Checkmarks back-end repository can be seen here
- Create a new landing page that will expost both Word-Mark Search and Trademark Registration workflows.
- Enhance the Word-Mark Search to pull real-time data or create an automated process that will update the static data nightly.
- Modify or re-create the existing Trademark Application form to function better:
- enhanced user experience
- allow multiple file uploads
- include mandatory upload of a government issued ID
- Integrate new payment packages to the existing LawPay payment processing system
- Add functionality to "read" a trademark logo to determine the relevant Vienna classification/ info.
- Integrate with the Canadian TradeMarks Database to create or update the Vienna Classification data.
Use Case Diagram (View on Figma)
Entity Relationship Diagram (View on Figma)
⚡ Quick start instructions here
- clone this repo
npm i
npm start
add a .env file to the root folder
add the following variables:
Full Clio Documentation Clio is a CRM for Law Firms and Professionals. The Checkmarks back-end is connected to the Clip API to create Contacts and Matters based on the Trademark Applicant's input data.
The integration is achieved as follows:
- Request authorization code from Clio by inputting the following Url into the browser:{app_key}&redirect_uri={your_site_url}/
- The above link should redirect to the 'redirect_uri', with the following string appended to the Url:
- In Postman:
The response will include:
access_token (used as bearer token for requests to Clio)
token_type (bearer)
expires_in (30 days)
- Create Contact:
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Body: // (required only - see Clio docs for details)
"data": {
"first_name": "Johnny",
"last_name": "Bravo",
"type": "Person"
"data": {
"id": {contact_id},
"name": "Johnny Bravo",
"initials": "JB",
"type": "Person",
"etag": "\"57527d0a60938ea56a68f6d0d2c36334\""
- Create Matter:
Authorization: Bearer {access_token}
Body: // (required only - see Clio docs for details)
"data": {
"description": "do.. you know, the thing",
"client": {
"id": {contact_id}
"data": {
"id": {matter_id},
"display_number": "00002-Smith",
"etag": "\"4d507aeb60938f116a68f6d0d2c36334\""
# Law Pay
## Resources/References