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fix: Split collector into separate module according to file type (#175)
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arajkumar authored Dec 16, 2020
1 parent db68ce1 commit e34e974
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Showing 13 changed files with 354 additions and 375 deletions.
283 changes: 70 additions & 213 deletions src/collector.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,230 +3,87 @@
* Licensed under the Apache-2.0 License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
'use strict';
import { Stream } from 'stream';
import * as jsonAst from 'json-to-ast';
import { IPosition, IKeyValueEntry, KeyValueEntry, Variant, ValueType, IDependency, IPositionedString, IDependencyCollector, Dependency } from './types';
import { stream_from_string, getGoLangImportsCmd } from './utils';
import { config } from './config';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { parse, DocumentCstNode } from "@xml-tools/parser";
import { buildAst, accept, XMLElement, XMLDocument } from "@xml-tools/ast";

/* Please note :: There was issue with semverRegex usage in the code. During run time, it extracts
* version with 'v' prefix, but this is not be behavior of semver in CLI and test environment.
* At the moment, using regex directly to extract version information without 'v' prefix. */
//import semverRegex = require('semver-regex');
function semVerRegExp(line: string): RegExpExecArray {
const regExp = /(?<=^v?|\sv?)(?:0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*)\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*)(?:-(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[\da-z-]*[a-z-][\da-z-]*)(?:\.(?:0|[1-9]\d*|[\da-z-]*[a-z-][\da-z-]*))*)?(?:\+[\da-z-]+(?:\.[\da-z-]+)*)?(?=$|\s)/ig
return regExp.exec(line);
/* Determine what is the value */
enum ValueType {

/* Value variant */
interface IVariant {
type: ValueType;
object: any;

class NaivePyParser {
constructor(contents: string) {
this.dependencies = NaivePyParser.parseDependencies(contents);

dependencies: Array<IDependency>;

static parseDependencies(contents:string): Array<IDependency> {
const requirements = contents.split("\n");
return requirements.reduce((dependencies, req, index) => {
// skip any text after #
if (req.includes('#')) {
req = req.split('#')[0];
const parsedRequirement: Array<string> = req.split(/[==,>=,<=]+/);
const pkgName:string = (parsedRequirement[0] || '').trim();
// skip empty lines
if (pkgName.length > 0) {
const version = (parsedRequirement[1] || '').trim();
const entry: IKeyValueEntry = new KeyValueEntry(pkgName, { line: 0, column: 0 });
entry.value = new Variant(ValueType.String, version);
entry.value_position = { line: index + 1, column: req.indexOf(version) + 1 };
dependencies.push(new Dependency(entry));
return dependencies;
}, []);

parse(): Array<IDependency> {
return this.dependencies;
/* Line and column inside the JSON file */
interface IPosition {
line: number;
column: number;

/* Key/Value entry with positions */
interface IKeyValueEntry {
key: string;
value: IVariant;
key_position: IPosition;
value_position: IPosition;

class KeyValueEntry implements IKeyValueEntry {
key: string;
value: IVariant;
key_position: IPosition;
value_position: IPosition;

constructor(k: string, pos: IPosition) {
this.key = k;
this.key_position = pos;

/* Process entries found in the txt files and collect all dependency
* related information */
class ReqDependencyCollector implements IDependencyCollector {
constructor(public classes: Array<string> = ["dependencies"]) {}

async collect(contents: string): Promise<Array<IDependency>> {
let parser = new NaivePyParser(contents);
return parser.parse();

class Variant implements IVariant {
constructor(public type: ValueType, public object: any) {}

class NaiveGomodParser {
constructor(contents: string, goImports: Set<string>) {
this.dependencies = NaiveGomodParser.parseDependencies(contents, goImports);

dependencies: Array<IDependency>;

static getReplaceMap(line: string, index: number): any{
// split the replace statements by '=>'
const parts: Array<string> = line.replace('replace', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim().split('=>');
const replaceWithVersion = semVerRegExp(parts[1]);

// Skip lines without final version string
if (replaceWithVersion && replaceWithVersion.length > 0) {
const replaceTo: Array<string> = (parts[0] || '').trim().split(' ');
const replaceToVersion = semVerRegExp(replaceTo[1]);
const replaceWith: Array<string> = (parts[1] || '').trim().split(' ');
const replaceWithIndex = line.lastIndexOf(parts[1]);
const replaceEntry: IKeyValueEntry = new KeyValueEntry(replaceWith[0].trim(), { line: 0, column: 0 });
replaceEntry.value = new Variant(ValueType.String, 'v' + replaceWithVersion[0]);
replaceEntry.value_position = { line: index + 1, column: (replaceWithIndex + replaceWithVersion.index) };
const replaceDependency = new Dependency(replaceEntry);
const isReplaceToVersion: boolean = replaceToVersion && replaceToVersion.length > 0;
return {key: replaceTo[0].trim() + (isReplaceToVersion ? ('@v' + replaceToVersion[0]) : ''), value: replaceDependency};
return null;

static applyReplaceMap(dep: IDependency, replaceMap: Map<string, IDependency>): IDependency {
let replaceDependency = replaceMap.get( + "@" + dep.version.value);
if (replaceDependency === undefined) {
replaceDependency = replaceMap.get(;
if(replaceDependency === undefined) {
return dep;
return replaceDependency;

static parseDependencies(contents:string, goImports: Set<string>): Array<IDependency> {
let replaceMap = new Map<string, IDependency>();
let goModDeps = contents.split("\n").reduce((dependencies, line, index) => {
// skip any text after '//'
if (line.includes("//")) {
line = line.split("//")[0];
if (line.includes("=>")) {
let replaceEntry = NaiveGomodParser.getReplaceMap(line, index);
if (replaceEntry) {
replaceMap.set(replaceEntry.key, replaceEntry.value);
} else {
// Not using semver directly, look at comment on import statement.
//const version = semverRegex().exec(line)
const version = semVerRegExp(line);
// Skip lines without version string
if (version && version.length > 0) {
const parts: Array<string> = line.replace('require', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').trim().split(' ');
const pkgName: string = (parts[0] || '').trim();
// Ignore line starting with replace clause and empty package
if (pkgName.length > 0) {
const entry: IKeyValueEntry = new KeyValueEntry(pkgName, { line: 0, column: 0 });
entry.value = new Variant(ValueType.String, 'v' + version[0]);
entry.value_position = { line: index + 1, column: version.index };
// Push all direct and indirect modules present in go.mod (manifest)
dependencies.push(new Dependency(entry));
return dependencies;
}, []);

let goPackageDeps = [];

goImports.forEach(importStatement => {
let exactMatchDep: Dependency = null;
let moduleMatchDep: Dependency = null;
goModDeps.forEach(goModDep => {
if (importStatement == {
// Software stack uses the module
exactMatchDep = goModDep;
} else if (importStatement.startsWith( + "/")) {
// Find longest module name that matches the import statement
if (moduleMatchDep == null) {
moduleMatchDep = goModDep;
} else if ( < {
moduleMatchDep = goModDep;

if (exactMatchDep == null && moduleMatchDep != null) {
// Software stack uses a package from the module
let replaceDependency = NaiveGomodParser.applyReplaceMap(moduleMatchDep, replaceMap);
if (replaceDependency !== moduleMatchDep) {
importStatement = importStatement.replace(,;
const entry: IKeyValueEntry = new KeyValueEntry(importStatement + '@' +,;
entry.value = new Variant(ValueType.String, replaceDependency.version.value);
entry.value_position = replaceDependency.version.position;
goPackageDeps.push(new Dependency(entry));

goModDeps = => NaiveGomodParser.applyReplaceMap(goModDep, replaceMap));

// Return modules present in go.mod and packages used in imports.
return [...goModDeps, ...goPackageDeps];

parse(): Array<IDependency> {
return this.dependencies;
/* String value with position */
interface IPositionedString {
value: string;
position: IPosition;

/* Process entries found in the go.mod file and collect all dependency
* related information */
class GomodDependencyCollector implements IDependencyCollector {
constructor(private manifestFile: string, public classes: Array<string> = ["dependencies"]) {
this.manifestFile = manifestFile;

async collect(contents: string): Promise<Array<IDependency>> {
let promiseExec = new Promise<Set<string>>((resolve, reject) => {
const vscodeRootpath = this.manifestFile.replace("file://", "").replace("/go.mod", "")
{ shell: process.env["SHELL"], windowsHide: true, cwd: vscodeRootpath, maxBuffer: 1024 * 1200 }, (error, stdout, stderr) => {
if (error) {
console.error(`Command failed, environment SHELL: [${process.env["SHELL"]}] PATH: [${process.env["PATH"]}] CWD: [${process.env["CWD"]}]`)
if (error.code == 127) { // Invalid command, go executable not found
reject(`Unable to locate '${config.golang_executable}'`);
} else {
reject(`Unable to execute '${config.golang_executable} list' command, run '${config.golang_executable} mod tidy' to know more`);
} else {
resolve(new Set(stdout.toString().split("\n")));
const goImports: Set<string> = await promiseExec;
let parser = new NaiveGomodParser(contents, goImports);
return parser.parse();

/* Dependency specification */
interface IDependency {
name: IPositionedString;
version: IPositionedString;

class PackageJsonCollector implements IDependencyCollector {
constructor(public classes: Array<string> = ["dependencies"]) {}
/* Dependency collector interface */
interface IDependencyCollector {
classes: Array<string>;
collect(contents: string): Promise<Array<IDependency>>;

async collect(contents: string): Promise<Array<IDependency>> {
const ast = jsonAst(contents);
return ast.children.
filter(c => this.classes.includes(c.key.value)).
flatMap(c => c.value.children).
map(c => {
let entry: IKeyValueEntry = new KeyValueEntry(c.key.value, {line: c.key.loc.start.line, column: c.key.loc.start.column + 1});
entry.value = new Variant(ValueType.String, c.value.value);
entry.value_position = {line: c.value.loc.start.line, column: c.value.loc.start.column + 1};
return new Dependency(entry);
/* Dependency class that can be created from `IKeyValueEntry` */
class Dependency implements IDependency {
name: IPositionedString;
version: IPositionedString;
constructor(dependency: IKeyValueEntry) { = {
value: dependency.key,
position: dependency.key_position
this.version = {
value: dependency.value.object,
position: dependency.value_position

export { IDependencyCollector, PackageJsonCollector, ReqDependencyCollector, GomodDependencyCollector, IPositionedString, IDependency };
export { IPosition, IKeyValueEntry, KeyValueEntry, Variant, ValueType, IDependency, IPositionedString, IDependencyCollector, Dependency };

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