Releases: f5devcentral/terraform-aws-bigip
Deprecation error fix
telemetry streaming installation
Installs telemetry streaming package in the same manner as application services and declarative on-boarding.
multiple ip address
this release includes the capability to allocate multiple ip addresses on the public/external NIC on the BIG-IP
Improved secrets management and workflow
Password for the BIG-IP is passed using AWS Secrets rather than through paths that will end up in the Terraform state file.
Initial Travis-CI integration
Testing with TerraTest from
Support Terraform Cloud
SSH commands that required an SSH key have been moved into the user data script.
Initial Release
Initial Release of the BIG-IP AWS Terraform Registry module.
This release allows you to build a 1-nic or 3-nic BIG-IP across availability zones. It also installs the latest version of the F5's Declarative Onboarding and Application Service 3 Extension (AS3) packages on the BIG-IP appliances.