Docker and docker-compose Yarn
# Clone repository
$ git clone
$ cd ezreporting
# Source environnement variables
$ source .env
# Run ElasticSearch
$ make es-start
# Build Kibana
$ make kbn-build
# Give permissions to the docker user (kbn-dev)
$ docker-compose run --rm -u kbn-dev kibana chown kbn-dev -R /home/kbn-dev/kibana/plugins
# Run Kibana
$ make kbn-start
# Install plugin dependencies
$ cd src; yarn install
Access your Kibana instance through the following url: http://localhost:5603/kibana
$ make build
A .zip
archive will be generated and will be located in the src/build
$ cd ./src
$ npm version (major|minor|patch)
$ gh login
$ gh release create <tag> # eg: gh release create v2.0.0
$ gh release upload <tag> <file> # eg: gh release upload v2.0.0 ./src/build/
You need to run the following command at the location where you installed Kibana
$ bin/kibana-plugin install
Name | Description |
EZREPORTING_APPLICATION_NAME | Reporting plugin name displayed in Kibana (default: ezReporting) |
EZREPORTING_APPLICATION_URL | Reporting application URL used in mail (default: http://localhost:5601/kibana) |
EZREPORTING_CRON | CRON to start generation task (default: 0 0 1 * * *) |
EZREPORTING_PUPPETEER_TIMEOUT | Timeout for puppeteer (default: 60000) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_HOST | SMTP Server host (default: localhost) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_PORT | SMTP Server port (default: 25) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_SECURE | SMTP secure (default: false) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS | SMTP ignore TLS (default: false) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED | SMTP reject unauthorized (default: false) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_AUTH_USER | SMTP auth user (default: null) |
EZREPORTING_SMTP_AUTH_PASSWORD | SMTP auth password (default: null) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_ATTEMPTS | Email attempts (default: 5) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_INTERVAL | Email interval attempts (default: 2000) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_COLOR | Email banner color (default: #2980b9) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_BACKGROUND_COLOR | Email background color (default: #2980b9) |
EZREPORTING_TWITTER | Twitter URL (default: <empty>) |
EZREPORTING_GITHUB | GitHub URL (default: <empty>) |
EZREPORTING_YOUTUBE | Youtube URL (default: <empty>) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_CONTACT | ezReporting email contact (default: [email protected]) |
EZREPORTING_EMAIL_SENDER | ezReporting email sender (default: [email protected]) |
EZREPORTING_INDEX | ezReporting index task name (default: .ezreporting) |
EZREPORTING_HISTORY_INDEX | ezReporting index task history name (default: .ezreporting-history) |
EZREPORTING_ACTIVITY_INDEX | ezReporting index task activity name (default: .ezreporting-activity) |
EZREPORTING_ROLE_NAME | ezReporting role name (used for all and read only) (default: ezreporting) |
ELASTICSEARCH_BASE_URL | ElasticSearch base URL (default: http://elastic:9200) |
ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME | ElasticSearch username (default: elastic) |
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD | ElasticSearch password (default: changeme) |
EZREPORTING_KIBANA_INTERNAL_URL | Kibana internal URL (for API request) (default: http://localhost:5601/kibana) |
EZREPORTING_KIBANA_EXTERNAL_URL | Kibana external URL (for email URl) (default: http://localhost:5601/kibana) |
EZREPORTING_LOGOS | Logos displayed in report footer (default: [ { file: 'images/logo.png', link: 'kibana' } ]) |
EZREPORTING_WEB_SOCKET_PORT | WebSocket port (default: 3000) |
Name | Description |
CLUSTER_NAME | ElasticSearch cluster name (default: ezreoporting) |
DISCOVERY_TYPE | Specifies whether Elasticsearch should form a multiple-node cluster (default: single-node) |
BOOTSTRAP_MEMORY_LOCK | The memory lock check verifies that if the bootstrap.memory_lock setting is enabled (default: true) |
XPACK_SECURITY_ENABLED | By default, Kibana automatically detects whether to enable the security features based on the license and whether Elasticsearch security features are enabled (default: true) |
ES_JAVA_OPTS | Set the JVM heap size (default: -Xms2g -Xmx2g) |
ES_MEM_LIMIT | Set the JVM heap size (default: 4g) |
KIBANA_SYSTEM | Kibana system user (default: kibana_system) |
ELASTICSEARCH_USERNAME | ElasticSearch username (default: elastic) |
ELASTICSEARCH_PASSWORD | ElasticSearch user password (default: changeme) |