This repo is for the paper "Eravacycline, an Antibacterial Drug, Repurposed for Pancreatic Cancer Therapy: Insights from a Molecular-Based Deep Learning Model" which contains the code to train a drug reporpusing model for cancer treatments
The data is located under the data folder:
- labels_training_set_w_drugbank_id.csv- contains the data collated manually of drugs that are classified as anti-cancer and those that have indication to not have anti-cancer activity
- all_data_infer_labels_preds_w_drug_bank_info_no_features.csv- all drugs in DrugBank excluding those that were used to train the model
The anti-cancer model was train using the chemprop library:
To reproduce the anti-cancer without addtional features run the following command from the command-line:
chemprop_train --data_path ./data/labels_training_set_w_drugbank_id.csv \
--dataset_type classification \
--number_of_molecules 1 --smiles_columns Smiles \
--metric auc --extra_metrics prc-auc accuracy mcc \
--save_preds --save_smiles_splits \
--config_path ./data/full_data_hyperparams_w_rkdit.json \
--loss_function binary_cross_entropy \
--split_sizes 0.7 0.1 0.2 --target_columns cancer \
--split_type scaffold_balanced --save_dir ./model \
--num_folds 3 --ensemble_size 2 \
or use code/multimodal_learning/
to train via python code
To reproduce the anti-cancer with additional features run the multimodal learning code using the code/multimodal_learning/
to train a DDI model
then train the chemprop model using code/multimodal_learning/ with the task
cancer`` and uncomment lines 111 and 112 to add the addtional features
or from the commandline
chemprop_train --data_path ./data/labels_training_set_w_drugbank_id.csv \
--dataset_type classification \
--number_of_molecules 1 --smiles_columns Smiles \
--metric auc --extra_metrics prc-auc accuracy mcc \
--save_preds --save_smiles_splits \
--config_path ./data/full_data_hyperparams_w_rkdit.json \
--loss_function binary_cross_entropy \
--split_sizes 0.7 0.1 0.2 --target_columns cancer \
--split_type scaffold_balanced --save_dir ./model_DDI_DTI \
--num_folds 3 --ensemble_size 2 \
--features_path ./data/labels_training_set_w_drugbank_id_DDIFeature_256.csv ./data/labels_training_set_w_drugbank_id_TargetPCAFeature_64.csv
to predict with the chemprop model, please refer to on how to use saved trained models