I find keep making these file extension lookup tables for mime types. It's about time I put it in a module to save me the trouble.
This version differs from rsdoiel's version because we are not looking for the path module at all. This means that we can use this for React Native (which has Node, but doesn't have Path).
var mimetype = require('mimetype');
console.log(mimetype.lookup("myfile.txt")); // Should display text/plain
mimetype.set('.exotic', 'x-application/experimental'); // Add/update a mime type in the catalog
console.log(mimetype.lookup("myfile.exotic")); // Should display x-application/experimental
mimetype.del('.exotic'); // Removes the mime type from the catalog
console.log(mimetype.lookup("myfile.exitoc")); // Should display false
mimetype.forEach(function (ext, mime_type_string) {
console.log(ext, mime_type_string); // Display the extension and matching mimetype in catalog
Sometimes detecting by filename extensions isn't work and you want to default to a general purposes mime-type (e.g. text/plain, application/octet-stream).
var mimetype = require('mimetype');
// This should display 0 (false)
// This should display the string text/plain
console.log(mimetype.lookup("filename.unknownMimeType", false, "text/plain");
// This should display the string text/plain; charset=UTF-8
console.log(mimetype.lookup("filename.unknownMimeType", "UTF-8", "text/plain");
While this was implemented as a NodeJS module it also works under MongoDB's shell. Instead of including with a "require" you would load the JavaScript file load-mimetype.js.
print("Check the mime type of test.txt:" + MimeType.lookup("test.txt"));
This would display something like-
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.0
connecting to: test
> load("./extras/load-mimetype.js");
> print("Check the mime type of test.txt: " + MimeType.lookup("test.txt"));
Check the mime type of test.txt: text/plain