- Initialize the repository
- repo init -u ssh://[email protected]/LineageOS/android.git -b cm-14.1
- Add my manifest to the .repo folder (don't worry about the alert you will get about being DEPRECATED)
- cp local_manifest.xml .repo/
- Sync latest LineageOS 14.1 sources
- repo sync -j20 --force-sync
- Apply all Patches
- cd bootable/recovery-twrp
- git fetch https://gerrit.omnirom.org/android_bootable_recovery refs/changes/96/22096/11 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
- cd ../..
- cd external/libselinux
- git am ../../device/samsung/exynos5410-common/patches/external_libselinux/556a9e925053e0b62f495233e165112e12b5d869.patch
- cd ../..
- cd frameworks/base
- git am ../../device/samsung/exynos5410-common/patches/frameworks_base/0001-DO-NOT-MERGE-PATCH-Zygote-Stop-breaking-the-entire-s.patch
- git fetch https://github.com/LineageOS/android_frameworks_base refs/changes/45/169945/2 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
- cd ../..
- cd system/core
- git am ../../device/samsung/exynos5410-common/patches/system_core/79ce3d6a96f3d381dc4db1aac45ccb788e1276ab.patch
- cd ../..
- You are good to go, proceed with the compiling process
- OPTIONAL (if you want built-in root support): export WITH_SU=true
- export WITH_TWRP=true
- FOR GT-I9500 (ja3gxx) only. OTHERWISE, REPLACE THE CODENAME WITH OTHERS SUPPORTED (check the manifest).
- . build/envsetup && lunch lineage_ja3gxx-userdebug
- brunch lineage_ja3gxx-userdebug