Base classes for object-oriented Angular 1.x units, tailored with DI in mind.
Come in ES2015 (ES6), ES2016 (ES7) and TypeScript flavours.
import { NgBase } from 'ng-classes';
let ngClasses = require('ng-classes');
let NgBase = ngClasses.NgBase;
import { NgBase } from 'ng-classes/es7';
import { NgBase } from 'ng-classes/ts';
and NgDirective
classes use ES5 getters/setters (IE9+) to substitute methods in children.
uses Function.prototype.bind
(IE9+) to supply its instance to NgProviderInstance
ES2016/TS decorators call for ES5 getters/setters.
uses Object.getOwnPropertyNames
and Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor
(IE9+), also Object.getPrototypeOf
and Object.setPrototypeOf
(IE11) for able-bodied support of static property inheritance.
Can be used to annotate classes and class members.
import { inject, NgBase } from 'ng-classes';
class JoeProvider extends NgBase {
constructor(...deps) {
@inject('$log', '$q')
$get($log, $q) { … }
class JoeProvider extends NgBase {
static $inject = ['$logProvider'];
Allows to feed classes to Angular units that expect factory functions. Unicontroller
and service
may benefit from this, too, in the case of instantiation problems (applicable to pre-1.5 Angular with native classes).
Replaces a class with wrapper function that instantiates it. Wrapper properties are prototypically inherited from class if Object.setPrototypeOf
is supported, otherwise they are copied (all properties from the class and enumerable properties from its parents). This may cause inheritance issues in older JS engines, particularly if static properties are changed after class declaration, or parent classes have non-enumerable static properties.
All children classes of a decorated class will inherit from wrapper function, not a class itself.
Should be used in the first place, before @inject
and other class decorators. The decorators are executed in reverse order of their appearance, a factory wrapper and not original class will be decorated otherwise.
import { factory, inject, NgBase, NgDirective } from 'ng-classes';
class JoeAbstractDirective extends NgDirective {}
Object.defineProperty(JoeAbstractDirective, 'nonEnumerableStaticProp', {
value: 'May not be available as JoeDirective.nonEnumerableStaticProp'
// Preferably a final class
class JoeDirective extends JoeAbstractDirective {
static staticProp = 'Available as JoeDirective.staticProp and this.constructor.staticProp';
constructor(...deps) {
// this.constructor !== JoeDirective
this.constructor.lateStaticProp = 'May not be available as JoeDirective.lateStaticProp';
// Commonly does not require a factory wrapper
class JoeService extends NgBase { … }
angular.module('average', [])
.service('JoeService', JoeService)
.directive('joe', JoeDirective);
The same function can be also used as a helper but has no inherent side effects of @factory
angular.module('average', [])
.service('JoeService', JoeService)
Provides the same functionality for base classes as factory
angular.module('average', [])
.service('JoeService', JoeService)
Base classes have $classify
property and are compatible with ng-classified
, no additional instantiation measures are necessary.
import { NgBase, NgDirective } from 'ng-classes';
import { ngClassifiedModule } from 'ng-classified';
class JoeService extends NgBase { … }
class JoeDirective extends NgDirective { … }
angular.module('average', [ngClassifiedModule])
.service('JoeService', JoeService)
.directive('joe', JoeDirective);
- ng-classes
- ~NgBase
- new NgBase(...deps)
- .$inject :
- .$classify
- .$factory() ⇒
- ~NgProvider ⇐
- .$get ⇒
- .$get ⇒
- ~NgProviderInstance ⇐
- ~NgDirective ⇐
- ~NgTemplate ⇐
- .toString() ⇒
- .valueOf() ⇒
- .toString() ⇒
- ~NgBase
Base class for Angular units.
Child classes are supposed to be supplied into most places that feature Angular DI - controllers, config
and run
blocks, factory
and service
services, etc.
Kind: inner class of ng-classes
- ~NgBase
- new NgBase(...deps)
- .$inject :
- .$classify
- .$factory() ⇒
Param | Type | Description |
...deps | * |
Injected dependencies |
Annotates class constructor for Angular injector.
Kind: static property of NgBase
Default: []
Access: public
Provides support for ng-classified.
Kind: static constant of NgBase
Default: true
Access: public
Creates an annotated class wrapper which is supplied to Angular injector.
Kind: static method of NgBase
Returns: function
- Factory function that returns a new class instance.
Access: public
Base class for Angular service providers.
Accepts a child of NgProviderInstance class as $get
value to be instantiated as service instance.
Kind: inner class of ng-classes
Extends: NgBase
Dispathes factory function from/to _$get
Kind: instance property of NgProvider
Access: public
Base class for Angular provider
service instances
Kind: inner class of ng-classes
Extends: NgBase
Param | Type | Description |
provider | NgProvider |
Provider class instance. |
...deps | * |
Injected dependencies. |
Base class for Angular directives
Kind: inner class of ng-classes
Extends: NgBase
- ~NgDirective ⇐
Restricts directive declaration, forces the defaults in Angular 1.2.x for consistency.
Kind: instance property of NgDirective
Default: "EA"
Access: public
Puts original function to _compileFn
and returns _compile
Kind: instance property of NgDirective
Access: public
Base class for Angular component
Kind: inner class of ng-classes
Extends: NgBase
- ~NgTemplate ⇐
- .toString() ⇒
- .valueOf() ⇒
- .toString() ⇒
Shadows Object.prototype.toString
Affects object conversion when a string is expected (DOM assignments, String.prototype
Kind: instance method of NgTemplate
Access: public
Shadows Object.prototype.valueOf
Affects type conversion (string operators, non-strict equality).
Kind: instance method of NgTemplate
Access: public
As shown in this demo app,
<joe-directive>Directive can be DI-powered class</joe-directive>
<joe-component>Component's template function can be DI-powered class as well</joe-component>
import 'angular';
import appModule from './app';
angular.bootstrap(document.body, [appModule]);
import joeDirectiveModule from './joe-directive';
import joeComponentModule from './joe-component';
export default angular.module('average', [joeDirectiveModule, joeComponentModule])
import { factory, inject, NgProvider, NgProviderInstance } from 'ng-classes';
// Decorators are executed in reverse order of their appearance.
// @factory should come first.
export class JoeProviderComplex extends NgProvider {
debug(flag) {
return this.$.$logProvider.debugEnabled(flag);
$get = JoeProviderComplexInstance;
export class JoeProviderComplexInstance extends NgProviderInstance {
logOnly(flag) {
// Provider object, passed to constructor and available as this.$provider
// Injected $log, passed to constructor and available as this.$.$log
let { $log } = this.$;
$log.debug('complex provider debug');
$log.log('complex provider log');
return 'Logging with joeProviderComplex instance' + (flag && ' with no debugging');
export default angular.module('average.joeProviderComplex', [])
.provider('joeProviderComplex', JoeProviderComplex)
import { factory, inject, NgBase } from 'ng-classes';
// Provider can be defined with NgBase instead of NgProvider/NgProviderInstance
export class JoeProviderBasic extends NgBase {
log(logService) {
logService.log('basic provider log');
// and having a single class for provider and instance can be tedious
$get($log) {
// but provider instance result can return any value,
// no toString/valueOf shadowing in class is required.
return 'Logging with joeProviderBasic instance';
export default angular.module('average.joeProviderBasic', [])
// 'factory' helper function is the alternative to '@factory' decorator.
.provider('joeProviderBasic', factory(JoeProviderBasic))
import { factory, inject, NgBase } from 'ng-classes';
import joeProviderComplexModule from './joe-provider-complex';
import joeProviderBasicModule from './joe-provider-basic';
// No @factory is necessary for instantiated units.
@inject('joeProviderComplex', 'joeProviderBasic')
export class JoeController extends NgBase {
constructor(...deps) {
this.messageBasic = this.$.joeProviderBasic;
this.messageComplex = this.$.joeProviderComplex.logOnly(true);
export default angular.module('average.joeController', [joeProviderComplexModule, joeProviderBasicModule])
.controller('JoeController', JoeController)
import { factory, inject, NgDirective } from 'ng-classes';
import joeControllerModule from './joe-controller';
export class JoeDirective extends NgDirective {
template = `
<h2 ng-transclude></h2>
transclude = true;
controller = 'JoeController';
controllerAs = 'vm';
compile = (element) => {
this.messageCompile = 'compile';
preLink = (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) => {
ctrl.messagePreLink = 'pre-link';
link = (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) => {
ctrl.messagePostLink = 'post-link';
let text = [this.messageCompile, ctrl.messagePreLink, ctrl.messagePostLink].join(', ');
text += ' functions can coexist on DDO';
export default angular.module('average.joeDirective', [joeControllerModule])
// $factory() method does the same job as '@factory' decorator and 'factory' helper function
.directive('joeDirective', JoeDirective.$factory())
import { factory, inject, NgBase, NgTemplate } from 'ng-classes';
export class JoeComponent {
template = JoeComponentTemplate.$factory();
export class JoeComponentTemplate extends NgTemplate {
constructor(...deps) {
let text = this.$.$element.text();
// The instance is converted to $template value with shadowed toString() and valueOf().
this.$template = `
export default angular.module('average.joeComponent', [])
// Components don't do DI, the class can be just 'new'ed.
.component('joeComponent', new JoeComponent)