When I began to study methodology BEM and its tools, it was difficult to find any actual examples of project making. To solve this problem, I wrote a small project that shows how to bring the data source (in this case mongodb) to the BEM-stack.
It's a template repository to create your own BEM-project with mongodb. It has the essential functionality, including the application framework to obtain & store data in mongodb. Also I made user authorization using OAuth 2.0 API Yandex.
Used BEM-libraries for a project:
- Express -- used for the proper project routing;
- MongoDB -- data storage (we'll take from here :) ). I used mongodb in conjunction with the bluebird promises;
- ENB -- a tool that builds the bundles;
- [Passport Yandex](https://github.com/gurugray/passport yandex) -- authentication in the project can be accomplished through the OAuth 2.0 API Yandex.
Essentially the project is divided into 2 parts:
-- the server part;static
-- the blocks and the bundles of the pages. For the blocks implementation I usedpriv.js
, because the data will be taken dynamically.
- Node.js 0.10+ is a software platform based on JavaScript that allows you to create fast, scalable network applications;
- Git Bash – for the Windows OS users.
Clone the repository and install all the required dependencies:
git clone [email protected]:evilj0e/bemongo-stub.git my-bem-project
cd my-bem-project
npm run init # do Not use root (`root`) when you install npm and bower dependencies.
Bower dependencies are installed when you run npm run init
to /static/vendors
In order to use the OAuth 2.0 API by Yandex you need to get the Client ID & Client secret keys for your own app. You can do it here.
After that you need to change the config file for passport server/lib/passport.js
passport.use(new PassportYandex({
clientID: '--- Client ID ---',
clientSecret: '--- Client secret ---',
callbackURL: 'http://localhost:3000/login/callback'
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
process.nextTick(function () {
db.upsertUser(profile.id, profile, done);
You can build a project using ENB.
You can run commands enb from the folder node_modules/.bin/enb
or you can use my shortcuts.
-- initialization of the project and installation of all dependencies;
-- checks codestyle with jscs;
-- checks codestyle with jshint;
-- checks codestyle with csslint;
-- executes checks with jscs, jshint, csslint. Used as pre-commit hook
-- it doesn’t make anything so far, because I haven’t written tests yet (lol);
-- builds project and runs a development server;
-- just runs a development server.
After running a development server, project will be available at http://localhost:3000
Press the key combination Ctrl
+ C
or ⌘
+ C
(for MAC) in the active terminal window to stop the server.
Shortcuts are invoked in the project folder as follows:
npm run %command_name%
-- the name of the shortcut
- To rewrite
; - To remake authorization redirects from / to requested url & don't use forced authorization on some pages;
- To write tests;
- To make CI integration;
- To make the logging;
- To add the Helmet;
- To add the Recluster;
- To add an example of the block templating on the client.
- Create your own BEM project
- Collect static page on BEM
- Reference BEMJSON
- Step by step guide to i-bem.js
- borschik — a simple but powerful Builder for text-based file formats