A PWA instagram clone 📸
- Take Selfie:
User can take a selfie using their device camera
- Detect Location:
User can detect their city using their browser location
- Create Post:
User can create a post with a title, location and image
- View Help Page:
User can access the app's help page
- App Shell Caching:
User gets a fast load experience since basic UI elements are loaded from cache
- Dynamic Content Caching:
User can interact with dynamic content offline e.g. cached post images, fonts and icons
- Manifest:
User can add the app to their home screen and interact with it like a native app
- Offline Page Fallback:
User sees a fallback page when a requested page can't be fetched from the cache or network
- IndexedDB Storage:
User can view saved post data from the cloud, e.g. post titles and locations, faster or when offline
- Background Sync:
User can create posts when offline and have them sent to the server when they get online
- Enable Notifications:
User can enable push notifications to receive updates sent from the app server
- Push Notifications:
User can view and respond to a notification, optionally triggering an action in the app even when closed
- Camera Access:
User can enable video camera access
- Location Access:
User can enable location access (GPS coordinates)
PWA Complete Guide Course by Maximilian Schwarzmüller