-This app will allow users to interact with a Jeopardy game board to select questions based on a chosen category and answer trivia questions.
User will be able to:
-See a game board of 6 different categories with each category containing 5 different questions based on selected $ value of points along with a "Score" count in header.
-Click on a question from desired category where a pop-up box will appear displaying the question.
-Answer question in the pop-up box via an input form and submit answer.
-If inputted answer is correct, the pop-up box will display "CORRECT" and add points to user's "Score".
-If inputted answer is incorrect, the pop-up box will display "INCORRECT" and reveal the correct answer. No points will be added to user's "Score".
-After question is answered, user will be able to exit out of the pop-up box and select a different question. All answered questions will be colored on the game board and no longer clickable.
-Once all questions are answered, user will be shown their "total score" and given an option to play the game again.