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Pierre de Buyl edited this page Aug 27, 2015 · 14 revisions


EuroSciPy is usually held during the last week of August:

  • Tutorials: Wednesday and Thursday
  • Conference: Friday and Saturday
  • Sprints: Sunday


Conference fees includes lunches and coffee-breaks and is cheaper for academics. To encourage people to register long before the conference starts, there is usually an early-bird discount.


The major items in the budget are: catering, travel costs for the keynote speakers and the venue.


  • Two tutorial rooms, capacity should be around 100 people (beginner track) and 200 people (advanced track)
  • One conference room, capacity is should be around 200/250 people
  • One place for poster, not too far from the conference room
  • One place for eat/drink during lunch
  • Electric supplies for ~150 people
  • 2 video recording setup (tutorials)


  • Conference chair
    This person is in charge of the local organization, taking care of finding rooms for tutorials, catering and registration.

  • Webmaster
    This person is in charge of the euroscipy website handling submission, review and payment system

  • Program Chair
    This person is in charge of the review process and to establish the final program.

  • Tutorial Chair
    This person is in charge of organizing the tutorials

  • Program committee
    These people (around 10) are in charge of submission reviews