Wrapper for the implementation of a quaternion to emulate accurate rotations of objects in three dimensions. This module abstracts away the mathematics and provides functionality for emulating many modern computer desktop interactivity features. Additionally, vertex and fragment shaders are provided in the example that perform texturing.
This package depends on the gl-matrix, matrix and JavaScript library. To avoid downloading it manually, the command
bower install
will fetch the required libraries and place them into the components folder at the root directory. The bower command requires node.js to be installed.
npm install bower
will download the package.
With grunt-cli installed,
npm install
will retrieve all the grunt dependencies. Then running this application locally is a simple task.
grunt connect
Just as simple is the command to run the tests.
grunt qunit
To checkout how this module can be used, open the contents of the example folder after all the dependencies have been successfully downloaded or just peep the demo.
Trackball(mode, scene)
Wrapper for emulating rotation transformations. This method must be called in order to instantiate and make available all other functions. The transformation is internally stored based on the boolean mode parameter. Setting it to true uses the intended quaternion representation. With false the transformations will be done solely with matrix multiplication. This functionality could be used to quickly compare the advantages of the quaternion approach. The second parameter, scene, is the canvas tag the transformations will be used in. It provides dimensional parameters that are needed to accurately interpolate the cursor position.
Calculates the angular proximity of six rectilinear unit vectors from v. Where v is a three dimensional vector represented simply as a three element array. The value returned is the index of the unit vector closest to v as enumerated in the list.
0 : < 1, 0, 0 >
1 : < -1, 0, 0 >
2 : < 0, 1, 0 >
3 : < 0, -1, 0 >
4 : < 0, 0, 1 >
5 : < 0, 0, -1 >
This function can be useful in determining the relative state of the current transformation.
this.interpolate(xPos, yPos)
Maps the horizontal and vertical raw pixel coordinates of the cursor position to the range [-1, 1]. xPos and yPos are the horizontal and vertical pixel position of the cursor in the window respectively. The return value is a two element tuple, which is the horizontal and vertical pixel positions of the cursor mapped to the range [-1, 1].
this.push(xPos, yPos)
Initializes internal state of the rotation transformation. xPos and yPos are the interpolated horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor each mapped to be in the range [-1, 1].
this.move(xPos, yPos)
Updates the internal state of the rotation transformation. xPos and yPos are the interpolated horizontal and vertical positions of the cursor, each have to be interpolated to be in the range [-1, 1].
Disables updating of the internal state of the transformation.
With all the tests passing and a working example; move on to include this module, either from the source or distribution folder. Typically the functions provided would be used in conjunction with native javascript or jQuery methods that enable user interaction. Here is a small snippet from the example using the package.
var scene = document.getElementById('scene');
. . .
var t = new Trackball(true, scene);
scene.onmousedown = function(event){
cursor = t.interpolate(event.clientX, event.clientY);
// t.stop();
t.push(cursor[0], cursor[1]);
. . .
scene.onmousemove = function(event){
cursor = t.interpolate(event.clientX, event.clientY);
t.move(cursor[0], cursor[1]);
. . .
. . .
document.onmouseup = function(event){
// t.start();