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Graphics Import

In a WebGL context, putting together the shader programs and manually specifying the buffer data are both tedious processes that require many steps and are difficult to debug. The files contained in this module abstract away those tasks making it easier to draw objects and shade them.


The dependencies are the gl-matrix, matrix and vector javascript library, along with the qunit, unit testing framework. To avoid downloading these packages manually, the command

bower install

will fetch the required libraries and place them into the components folder at the root directory. To get bower, node.js has to be installed. Then run

npm install -g bower

to download the package. For the Grunt tasks, grunt-cli has to be installed.

npm install -g grunt-cli

Also, make sure to download all the npm packages.

npm install


Running this application locally can be done with a Grunt task.

grunt connect

To check how the template is rendering, navigate to the index file in the root directory with any browser that has WebGL support. Alternatively, check out the project site to compare the widget. The tests can be run in the browser as well, by opening runner.html in tests.



Reads in the obj file specified at path. An object with arrays containing the vertices, textures, and normals is returned in a format that can be passed to the buffers and rendered directly. Each of the respective buffers are referenced as vertices, textures, and normals.

shaderImport(paths, gl)

Takes as parameters a two element array, which contains the relative paths of the vertex and fragment shaders as well as the WebGL context object. A shader program is returned if all the steps of compiling and linking succeeded.


With all the tests passing and a working example; move on to include the functions in this module either from source or distribution. Here is a small snippet from the example using this package.

var gl = scene.getContext('webgl');
var scene = document.getElemetById('scene');
var bufferData = objectImport('data/cube.obj');
  . . .
                new Float32Array(bufferData.vertices),
var shaderProgram = shaderImport(['shaders/vertex.glsl',
                                    'shaders/fragment.glsl'], gl);
  . . .


Utility functions for rendering with WebGL.







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