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The voxblox plusplus node

Margarita Grinvald edited this page Sep 20, 2020 · 8 revisions

Published topics

  • mesh


    A colored mesh of the reconstructed volumetric object-level map that can be visualized in RViz, with each color encoding a different object instance. The topic is only advertised if the parameter publishers/publish_scene_mesh is set to true. The update rate is controlled by the update_mesh_every_n_sec parameter.


  • get_map

    [Request type: vpp_msgs::GetMap::Request, Response type: vpp_msgs::GetMap::Response]

    Returns the reconstructed 3D object-level map as 3D pointcloud, together with the voxel_size needed to decode the map. Each point in the cloud represents the center of an observed voxel in the map and contains the following fields: XYZ, TSDF distance, TSDF weight, segment label and a semantic class (if any).

    If the node parameter publishers/publish_scene_map is set to true, the pointcloud is also published on the /gsm_node/map topic.

  • generate_mesh

    [Request type: empty, Response type: empty]

    Generates a colored mesh from the reconstructed 3D object-level map, with colors encoding the different objects in the scene. If the node parameter publishers/publish_scene_mesh is set to true, the generated mesh will be published on the /gsm_node/mesh topic. The mesh will be also saved as a PLY file in the .ros folder in your home directory under the filename "merged_" + the value specified in the node parameter meshing/mesh_filename. Note that, if the parameter meshing/mesh_filename is set to "" (empty string), the PLY file will not be stored.

    If the node parameter debug/multiple_visualizers is set to true, the service will additionally generate and save to file the following three meshes: (i) a color mesh encoding the different geometric-only segments, (ii) a color mesh encoding the different instances of the semantically recognized segments, and (iii) a color mesh encoding the semantic class of the semantically recognized segments. The filenames of the three meshes are prefixed, respectively, with "label_", "instance_", and "semantic_".

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