is the version submitted for the Gameseed 2024 Gamejam. Built using the default Godot 4.3 android export template, since at that time the export templates aren't stable. This version may have some bugs.
is the Gamejam version updated with some bugfixes and some other little details. This one was built with a custom, optimized export template.
is what you want to download for modern Android devices. For older one who still using 32 bit Android OS, use the arm32
The export_template
s is NOT the game.
ℹ️ About the custom Export Template
is an optimized Godot export template (for Godot 4.3) that I use for this project (ignore this if you don't understand). The export template was made with this command:
scons platform=android target=template_release arch=arm64 generate_apk=yes debug_symbols=no optimize=size module_text_server_adv_enabled=no module_text_server_fb_enabled=yes disable_3d=yes vulkan=no deprecated=no module_basis_universal_enabled=no module_bmp_enabled=no module_camera_enabled=no module_csg_enabled=no module_meshoptimizer_enabled=no module_gltf_enabled=no module_ktx_enabled=no module_mobile_vr_enabled=no module_navigation_enabled=no module_openxr_enabled=no module_raycast_enabled=no module_theora_enabled=no module_vhacd_enabled=no module_webxr_enabled=no use_mingw=false
The binaries are built using Godot Engine. Godot License: