- When will Angular 2 be released?
- Seriously though, can I get an estimate?
- Is it ready for me?
- Beta
- Stability/Bugginess
- API Stability
- Documentation
- Ecosystem
- Community/Blogs/Support/Etc...
- Do I have to use Typescript?
- Do I have to use a build system? What build system should I use?
- SystemJS
- Webpack
- Rollup
- ES5/ES6 (no ts)
- Others (are there any others?)
- Adding operators (map is not defined)
- Loading operators individually for RxJS + Angular2 + SystemJS
- What are observables and where can I learn more about them and RxJS?
- Redux + Rx + Angular2 / ngrx
- How do I protect routes?
- How do I resolve data before a route activates?
- How do I handle invalid URLs?
- How do I add classes to elements that contain an active router link?
- How do I add optional parameters for a route?
- How do I make a breadcrumb component?
- How do I make router components and directives available for every component?
- How do I use regular expressions for a route?
- How do I dynamically configure routes
- How do I create a service?
- How do I share a service instance between multiple components?
- How do I communicate between two sibling components?
- How do I communicate between components using a shared service?
- Drag and Drop
- Other fun things...
Not yet, in the meantime you can look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1NB-HG0ZH4
You can also take a look at this Plunkr, which while complex, does just about everything you would want with the router. http://plnkr.co/edit/Bim8OGO7oddxBaa26WzR?p=preview
[How do I validate a control based on the value in another control?] (http://plnkr.co/edit/NqQhBPJJo1PzHfisvh9J?p=preview)
AKA: How do I make a state/province dropdown that changes contents when the country changes?