This is the repository for "Anomaly detection in business process event logs: a comparative study between neural networks-based and count-based approaches"
├── anomaly_detection
├── research_questions
│ ├── best_parameters
│ ├── ├── logs
│ ├── ├── resultados
│ ├── best_anomaly_detection_and_descovery
│ ├── ├── logs
│ ├── ├── resultados
The main folders are:
- anomaly_detection folder containing all code
- research_questions. At the beginning, this folder only contains logs. After execution, this folder will contain results of each phase of research
Install Anaconda
Install R (Some R statistics functions are necessary for this python code)
Create a conda environment using env_pyth3.8.yml ( made available in repository)
conda env create -f env_pyth3.8.yml
conda activate env_pyth3.8
Install pm4py following instructions in
- Install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable
- Install graphviz 3.0.0
- Install Pm4py 1.3.2
conda install pm4py==1.3.2
Execute jupyter
jupyter notebook notebooks
Execute notebook
We have three main phases in the research:
- Look for the best parameterization
- Analyze robustness of approaches
- Analyze approaches to process discovery improvement
The file contains the main code. In order to execute phase 02 in we can set as follow:
phase_number = 2
In order to execute phase 03 in we can set as follow:
phase_number = 3 was set using nome_grupo_experimentos = "test_case". In order to get the same results as in dissertation, nome_grupo_experimentos = "relatorio1-question2" should be used.
It executes phase02 and save results in folder "anomaly_detection\research_questions\best_anomaly_detection_and_descovery\resultados"
- Results of experiment group [id_group] will be saved in "\resultados\resultados_gexp_binetn_[id_group]\gexp_binetn_[id_group]_all_results_details.csv".
- A report in .csv will be saved in gexp_binetn_[id_group]_all_results_details.csv. That file include all information stored about experiments
It executes phase03 and save results in folder "\resultados_gexp_binetn_[id_group]\logs_postproces_batch1"
- Filtered logs will be saved in \logs_postproces_batch1\filtered_logs
- Discovered models will be saved in \logs_postproces_batch1\petrinets
- Report about quality of discovered models will be saved in \logs_postproces_batch1\gexp_binetn_[id_group]_all_results_details_dscvry_batch1.csv