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Example of Continuous Valued Analysis Function

Erik A. Roberts edited this page Jan 10, 2018 · 6 revisions

GV can plot functionals of DynaSim (DS) simulations, i.e. a single scalar for each simulation. The built-in DS calculation functions return structures. To use these, they must be wrapped by a function that returns a scalar in a single cell.

Here is an example wrapper function for using the results of dsCalcFR to plot the average firing rate across cells for each simulation in GV:

function resultCell = gvfr(data, varargin)
  result = dsCalcFRmulti(data,'bin_size',1, 'bin_shift',1);
  resultCell = {result.soma_V_FR_MUA};

Save this in the matlab path, then add gvfr to the dsSimulate call:

dsSimulate(model, 'analysis_functions',{@gvfr});

Load up GV, and use the select tab. The analysis functions, whether numerical or categorical, will be found under the analysisFn variable.

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