Latest revision: Pony 0.22.2 | Download docset
Pony is an "object-oriented, actor-model, capabilities-secure, high-performance programming language". I found the original online documentation a bit cumbersome to use, so I created this docset.
Dash is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager for Mac. If you are using Windows or Linux you probably want to have a look at Zeal which is quite similar to Dash.
Download the latest revision of
the docset and unzip it. To install it just double-click on Pony.docset
Dash will add it automatically.
Untested, taken from
To manually install a docset in Zeal, download the latest revision,
unzip it and copy it into %HOMEPATH%\AppData\zeal\docset\
Restart Zeal and the documentation should be loaded automatically.
The docset is generated with an ugly combination of javascript and the original Pony documentation.
To generate the docset, simply run make
. (Note: It will take a while).