Players try to find mines in a specific playing area. As players click on cells, the number of mines around that cell is displayed and players must guess the location of the mines. The game ends when all mines are checked or the player clicks on a mine.The purpose of the game, The aim is to win the game by opening all cells except all mines.
Customizable Playground Dimensions: Players can customize the number of rows and columns of the playfield. This allows them to adjust the difficulty and complexity of the game.
Random Mine Placement: Mines are placed randomly on the playing field. This ensures that each game is different and requires players to adapt their strategies for each game.
Cell Opening: As players click on cells on the game board, the number of mines around that cell is displayed. They can expand the playing field by opening empty cells.
Game Status Check: The game ends when all mines are checked or the player clicks on a mine. It indicates whether the game was won or lost.
Replay Option: After the game ends, players are given the option to replay the game. This allows players to start a new game.
In this Minesweeper game, row and column indexes start from 0. That is, the first line on the game board is marked "0", the second line is marked "1", and so on. Likewise, the first column is marked "0", the second column is marked "1", and so on.
Steps to run this project on your local machine:
Clone this project:
git clone
Go to the project directory:
cd minefield-game
Run the code:
If you have questions, feedback or contributions regarding my project, you can reach me by email:
- Communication: E-mail