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tamenewu edited this page May 9, 2017 · 27 revisions

Project Inception / Planning Page

Table of Contents

  1. Process
  2. Initial feature list
  3. Initial Planningl
  4. Risk Management
  5. Tools
  6. Deployment
  7. Version control
  8. Coding Convention
  9. Schedule 10.Use Case 11.Testing Strategy


We use a hybrid of waterfall and Scrum processes, but this is only because the course team forced us. In reallife we are hackers who don't need all of that :-)

Initial Feature List

The system will include a smartphone application and a site where all the information will be stored and presented in a convenient way to the user.


  1. Open a user by administrator / patroller / user privileges, etc.
  2. View information and statistics.
  3. The database will be stored in firebase and will be linked to the site.
  4. The site will include editing a shift report and an event report.


  1. When the sightseeing begins, the user will have to fill out an initial report.
  2. View all points to visit during the sightseeing
  3. Marking a point when there is youth activity
  4. Marking a point when There is no youth activity or a relaxed place.
  5. Fill out an event report.
  6. End sightseeing and Fill out an event report for end sightseeing.
  7. All information will be stored on the firebase server and displayed on the site.

Initial Planning

The organization sat down and wrote a document of requirements according to the initial meeting. After reviewing the requirements document we started to think about the concept of how the system will look and be displayed. After formulating the system structure of the site and the application, we presented the organization with permission to start the program writing.

the first stage: Build a site where the information is stored using firebase. Site planning is convenient and easy to edit reports. Create users by system privileges. Displays points on a map on the site.

Step two: Build an app-net screens. Connect the firebase to the application. Set up to work with gps and save points on the map so that they will be compressed in firebase

Risk Management

Risk Severity Likely to occur Response Steps to reduce risk
1 The server will fall high low Purchase a server with more storage We will try not to overload the server
2 Unknown development environment Medium high Learning through classmates
through the practitioner
and through videos YouTube
Writing in a known environment or learning comprehensively before starting work in the environment
3 Writing software for several platforms high high Write code in web to fit any platform Adjusting expectations to the final product that will work on the specific desired platform
4 Customer will not be satisfied with the final result medium medium We will initiate meetings at each stage
of the development process to
see whether the customer likes the
continued development
We will give a product that meets the customer requirements
5 Lack of knowledge to work with GPS high medium Using a practitioner and various online forums We will review the use of GPS in the broad sense and will check that we can indeed provide everything related to GPS part in the app
6 Change in team members Because of disagreement low low We will solve the problems
and discuss their resolution
We will create an orderly division of labor and try to think about the entire work process from the beginning in order to prevent any disagreement between the members of the group
7 Customer will change its requirements low low We will discuss the resolution of the request
and apply it to the system
We ask the customer to give us his broad desire for the application, so if there is something that is not possible or something he wants we will know it from the beginning


We build the project in angular2 with use bootstap for web and material for app. we help with visualcode and angular cli, also nodejs and fire base.


angular2 + bootstap , material .

Version Control

Coding Convention


Task Do to Status
1 Presenting the idea to organize and coordinate expectations 1.4 Done
2 Write a basic app with all the required pages 1.5 in process
3 Uploading all the information files that the application will offer and providing the ability to send so that they will be stored in the data storage 20.5 in process
4 Connect the GPS service to the application 1.6 in process
5 Add all the different points and routes required for tours on the GPS maps 10.6 in process
6 Perform a series of tests using the application: faults, convenience and more 20.6 in process
7 Final examination of the final product with the organization of the association 1.7 in process

*Throughout the work process we will set up meetings with the organization to show our progress and the product we reached at every stage.

use case


Testing Strategy

We will split into two first tests The first test is to communicate data between the app and the site to the database. The second test is to save gps and operation points with the saved data.