A small program that enables and disables system wide Windows 10 proxy settings.
Gets a list of proxies using Free-proxy python module and then modifies the Windows registry:
HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
ProxyServer=*server:port* that it got from Free-proxy module
Currently, set to US Elite proxy
Press Enter to switch proxy states when the program is running, typr q, press ctrl+c or close the program to stop it.
Just use .\dist\main.exe to run a 'compiled' version that does not require python installation.
Or download .exe from the latest release section: https://github.com/equillibrium/pyConfigWinProxy/releases/latest
Use pyinstaller python module to build the .exe:
pyinstaller --onefile .\main.py -n SwitchProxy --icon=.\SwitchProxy.ico
If you want to run main.py: run powershell as admin and execute setup.ps1
It installs chocolatey repository, the latest python, lxml for Windows, Free-proxy pip module
Libxml for Win: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#lxml
- Automate lxml lib download based on python version
- Create Timer for Proxy
- Change Desktop Icon based on Proxy Status
- (Needs more testing) Error catching setup.ps1 and main.py
- Create basic UI: on, off, country select
- Create country checklist
- Compile as 1 exe file