Equilaterus' Wiki based on Bootlaterus.
Published at: https://equilaterus.github.io/wikilaterus/
Run the Powershell files on the util folder:
install-site: run once to install all requirements to run wikilaterus.
run-site: run to start the server.
wiki-sync: to sync the wiki with the githubpages that is deployed through this repo.
wiki-add and wiki-build: they're as example to create your own repo synced with a wiki. Run them once just follow the instructions and you'll get a configuration like the one on this repo.
Thanks to djacquel for this: https://github.com/djacquel/WikiToJekyll
Where can I store my images? Add images on the assets folder they'll be published to the Github page automatically.
What are the steps to update a wiki? Always modify your articles directly Github (For example here in our case: https://github.com/equilaterus/wikilaterus/wiki) and then execute win-wiki-sync.bat. In case of a desync (that the commands cannot generate the local files), check the next point.
wiki got desynced: this happens because you updated your files locally instead of doing the changes in the Github wiki. You'll need to locate the latest commit that worked correctly and then execute (PROCEED WITH CAUTION, CREATE A COPY OF YOUR REPO):
git reset --hard <commit-id>
And then, to sync with your Github repo (THIS STEP CAN DAMAGE YOUR ONLINE REPO, PROCEED WITH CAUTION):
git push -f <remote-name> <branch-name>
remote-name is usually origin and branch name is usually master.
Note: these steps are a workarround when there is no way of making work wiki sync, use them as a last resource option.
The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.