Bot for a reddit sub that requires the OP to provide a statement for link posts within a set time frame
- Python 3.7+
- praw 6.3.1+
- config file (included)
- Login details, and bot client id and secret, placed inside config file (not included)
- Windows 10
- Raspberry Pi 3B+
- Download and and place them into the same folder
- In, place your bot login details (U+P), and your client ID and client secret from reddit API
- In, you need to set the following configurations at the top of the script
- Subreddits to watch over (multreddits are okay, but untested)
- User Agent - use a better description, or leave as is
- Number of hours before a post is removed
- Reply comment body for the bot to reply with
- Number of seconds to sleep between checks (default to 5 minutes for most subs is fine)
- RGX - This is regex - don't touch this if you don't understand this