##Basic Ansible playbooks for Cisco IOS This project is a collection of playbook examples for networking devices, specifically Cisco IOS. I only have access to Cisco IOS and NXOS devices so I figured I'd start learning Ansible through interaction with Cisco IOS.
My goal:
- add to this repo as I learn more Ansible.
- enhance my learning by documenting the playbooks
- provide simple examples that aren't too lengthy to hopefully save you time getting started with Ansible w/networking gear.
The idea is to create sections (directories) that are somehow related, e.g. section 1-cisco_ios contains simple playbooks that do not reference any of the Ansible subdirectory structure or roles.
##Section 1-cisco_ios These playbooks are basic starters that show how to initially get Ansible to talk to Cisco IOS devices (e.g. connection: local) and run basic show commands. Each playbook 1.0 -> 1.x builds on previous playbooks and comments are removed for parts documented in previous playsbooks, while any new material is commented where necessary. These purposely do not use any sub-directory structure so as to keep things as basic as possible.
- Although the power of Ansible is to operate against multiple devices via a single playbook, start by running these playbooks against a single Cisco IOS device. Then add more and re-run the playbooks.
- Make sure you can SSH to the Cisco IOS device from the Ansible control machine. (This is a sanity check but doesn't ensure 'ansible-playbook' will connect successfully as I discovered and finally succeeded once I understood the importance of 'connection: local')
$ ssh [email protected]
Password: cisco
Password: cisco
##General Notes/Suggestions:
- Get Ansible up and running on a Linux/Unix virtual machine (VM). I'm using Virtualbox and Ubuntu Server 16.04 VM w/512MB RAM allocated on a Macbook...works great.
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 500184 kB
$ ansible --version
config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
configured module search path = Default w/o overrides
- Some helpful skills to posess:
- Linux basic commands (cd, ls, cp, mv, ethtool, ssh, vi, etc.) for navigating your Ansible control machine
- Python
- Regex