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0.2.2 - Fix for monthly reset

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@epaulsen epaulsen released this 06 Mar 17:58
· 6 commits to main since this release

This is a bugfix for bug #6 , where attributes for top three peak hour sensor did not reset properly after monthly rollover.
With this fix, monthly rollover should reset top three usage hours.

How to clear old values
As some may want to reset the top three hours now(as they probably will contain values from last month), I have added an event that will facilitate just that. Note that this will reset(clear) all usage hours, so it will be as if the month started exactly when the event was called.

After updating to this release and restarting HomeAssistant, navigate to Developer Tools -> Events. Either find energytariff_reset_top_three_hours in the list on the right side and click it, or type energytariff_reset_top_three_hours in the "Event Type" text box. After that, click "Fire Event". A toast will appear in the bottom left corner stating that the event was fired. After that, the top_three attributes should be cleared and will repopulate with new values for this month over time.