LRSE-Net: Lightweight Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for stenosis detection in X-ray Coronary Angiography
This repository hosts the dataset employed for the paper LRSE-Net: Lightweight Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for stenosis detection in X-ray Coronary Angiography, publised at MDPI-Electronics: Special Issue "Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Applications, Volume II"
Two public datasets were used to evaluate the proposed model: the Deep Stenosis Detection Dataset (DSDD) and the Angiographic Dataset for Stenosis Detection (ADSD).
DSSS consists of small XCA image patches of size
ADSD presented a set of XCA images with a total of 8,325 grayscale images (100 patients) of
A patch-based dataset was generated to evaluate the proposed patch-based approach from ADSD, taking square patches centered on the stenosis bounding box for the positive cases and the 4-connected neighbors around the bounding box as negative cases. During the patch selection, patches smaller than
On the other hand, to deal with the small size of data with the unbalanced ratio of the DSSS, a data augmentation policy was applied, generating four additional images by input image. The policy includes random rotation around
In this manner, the augmented dataset (A-DSSS), including 430 positive and 1,394 negative stenosis cases was obtained, reducing the unbalanced ratio to 1:3.
If you use the datasets, please cite the original papers and the current work as:
Deep Stenosis Detection Dataset:
title={{Stenosis Detection with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks}},
author={Antczak, Karol and Liberadzki, {\L}ukasz},
booktitle={MATEC Web of Conferences},
organization={EDP Sciences},
Angiographic Dataset for Stenosis Detection:
title={{Real-time coronary artery stenosis detection based on modern neural networks}},
author={Danilov, Viacheslav V and Klyshnikov, Kirill Yu and Gerget, Olga M and Kutikhin, Anton G and Ganyukov, Vladimir I and Frangi, Alejandro F and Ovcharenko, Evgeny A},
journal={Scientific reports},
publisher={Nature Publishing Group},
author= {Danilov, Viacheslav and Klyshnikov, Kirill and Kutikhin, Anton and Gerget, Olga and Frangi, Alejandro and Ovcharenko, Evgeny},
title = {{Angiographic dataset for stenosis detection}},
month = {Nov},
year = {2021}
Augmented Deep Stenosis Detection Dataset and Patched Angiographic Dataset for Stenosis Detection:
author = {Ovalle-Magallanes, Emmanuel and Avina-Cervantes, Juan Gabriel and Cruz-Aceves, Ivan and Ruiz-Pinales, Jose},
title = {LRSE-Net: Lightweight Residual Squeeze-and-Excitation Network for stenosis detection in X-ray Coronary Angiography},
journal = {Electronics},
volume = {11},
year = {2022},
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