This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 8, 2024. It is now read-only.
2.0.1 (2022-08-26)
Bug Fixes
- typing return ndarray (e6e3687)
- "-> None" if function does not return a value (f6be0e2)
- "Link" has no attribute "a" (b1ede13)
- argument typing (0922ed7)
- argument typing (da82156)
- array typing (a4704e4)
- Call to untyped function "norm" in typed context (7a80d5a)
- fromiter() to make array from map() (c3bbeff)
- ignore scipy typing (186b9eb)
- ignore untyped functions (866c42c)
- ignore untyped functions (4f441f3)
- ignored untyped assert_allclose (ff37f51)
- Incompatible return value type (b933c06)
- isort; typing; flake8 (958d330)
- module typing (8f652bf)
- MutableSequence typing (f5ac85a)
- NDArray[np.float64] typing (d82143c)
- Need type annotation for 'actual_distance' (e83324d)
- npt.NDArray typing (5f3bdae)
- npt.NDArray[np.float64] return type (7145ae3)
- removed unused ignore (3b4ed0d)
- removed unused imports (432e3a3)
- removed unused imports (604f865)
- return Robot typing (20ff4c7)
- return typing (ff50e5e)
- Sequence typing with numpy.typing.NDArray (fe8c518)
- type ignore (f264d72)
- type ignore (e2c3c53)
- type ignores for py3.7 (6087844)
- typed argument (a74299b)
- typing (9cb7110)
- typing (f779fed)
- typing (7cb5a3c)
- typing (f8e4d22)
- typing (e346bd3)
- typing (9b1fecd)
- typing (da475f5)
- typing (a4da1b5)
- typing (cacee0b)
- typing (678ce55)
- typing (ec60843)
- typing (a4d9287)
- typing npt.NDArray[np.float64] (04df5f2)
- untyped argument (9c345e0)
- untyped assert_allclose (8f7a5a6)
- untyped functions (733ada5)
- Unused "type: ignore" comment (e138e6d)
- Unused "type: ignore" comment (1f0cc03)
- using preferred copy method (85b997f)