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OctoSlider Plugin

Create a slideshow in your website using jquery slider plugins.

How do this work

The plugin provides several components for building jQuery slideshows plugins. Currently available plugins: Nivo Slider and Camera Slider.

Camera Slider Component

Use the octosliderCamera component to display the Camera slideshow jQuery plugin. The component has the following properties:

  • idSlide - Choose an item previously registered to use their images to slide.
  • jqueryIncludeCamera - Include the jQuery library version 1.7.1 required by Camera jQuery plugin in your theme. The default value is No
  • jqueryMigrateIncludeCamera - Include the jQuery migrate library in your theme. Enable this option if the plugin is not working with your jQury library. The default value is No
  • skinCamera - Choose the skin the do you like to use with Camera Plugin. The default value is Camera azure
  • navigationCamera - Display the navigation button (prev, next and play/stop buttons), if no they will be always hidden. The default value is No
  • loaderCamera - Display a loader status. The default value is Pie
  • loaderColorCamera - Set a hexdecimal color to the loader. The default value is #eeeeee
  • loaderBgColorCamera - Set a hexdecimal background color to the loader. The default value is #222222
  • loaderOpacityCamera - Set the opacity to the loader (accpted values are: 0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1). The default value is .8
  • loaderPaddingCamera - Set how many empty pixels you want to display between the loader and its background. The default value is 2
  • loaderStrokeCamera - Set the thickness both of the pie loader and of the bar loader. Remember: for the pie, the loader thickness must be less than a half of the pie diameter. The default value is 7
  • barPositionCamera - Choose the loader bar position. The default value is Bottom
  • barDirectionCamera - Choose the loader bar direction if your "Display loader" choice was "Bar". The default value is Left to right
  • hoverCamera - Pause on state hover. Not available for mobile devices. The default value is Yes
  • thumbnailsCamera - Display thumbnails from the slider items image. The default value is Yes
  • playPauseCamera - Display play/pause buttons control. The default value is No
  • paginationCamera - Display slider pagination. The default value is Yes
  • captionEffectCamera - Choose what effect the image captions will have. The default value is Fade from bottom

The octosliderCamera component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:

  • cameraItems - a list of octoslider items loaded from the database.
  • skinCamera - contains the value of the skinCamera component's property.
  • navigationCamera - contains the value of the navigationCamera component's property.
  • loaderCamera - contains the value of the loaderCamera component's property.
  • loaderColorCamera - contains the value of the loaderColorCamera component's property.
  • loaderBgColorCamera - contains the value of the loaderBgColorCamera component's property.
  • loaderOpacityCamera - contains the value of the loaderOpacityCamera component's property.
  • loaderPaddingCamera - contains the value of the loaderPaddingCamera component's property.
  • loaderStrokeCamera - contains the value of the loaderStrokeCamera component's property.
  • barPositionCamera - contains the value of the barPositionCamera component's property.
  • barDirectionCamera - contains the value of the barDirectionCamera component's property.
  • hoverCamera - contains the value of the hoverCamera component's property.
  • thumbnailsCamera - contains the value of the thumbnailsCamera component's property.
  • playPauseCamera - contains the value of the playPauseCamera component's property.
  • paginationCamera - contains the value of the paginationCamera component's property.
  • captionEffectCamera - contains the value of the captionEffectCamera component's property.

The next example shows the basic octosliderCamera component usage:

title = "Home"
url = "/"

idSlide = "1"
jqueryIncludeCamera = "no"
jqueryMigrateIncludeCamera = "no"
skinCamera = "camera_azure_skin"
navigationCamera = "false"
loaderCamera = "pie"
loaderColorCamera = "#eeeeee"
loaderBgColorCamera = "#222222"
loaderOpacityCamera = ".8"
loaderPaddingCamera = "2"
loaderStrokeCamera = "7"
barPositionCamera = "bottom"
barDirectionCamera = "leftToRight"
hoverCamera = "true"
thumbnailsCamera = "true"
playPauseCamera = "false"
paginationCamera = "true"
captionEffectCamera = "fadeFromBottom"
<!-- Camera Slideshow -->
<div class="container">
    {% component 'octosliderCamera' %}
<!-- /End Camera Slideshow -->

The octosliderCamera component is coded in the default component partial plugins/octodevel/octoslider/components/camera/default.htm. If the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the {% component %} call in the example above with the partial contents.

For more information visit the Camera slider documentation:

Nivo Slider Component

Use the octosliderNivo component to display the Nivo Slider jQuery plugin. The component has the following properties:

  • idSlide - Choose an item previously registered to use their images to slide.
  • jqueryIncludeNivo - Include the jQuery library version 1.9 required by Nivo jQuery plugin in your theme. The default value is No
  • effectNivo - Choose the effect for your slides. The default value is Random
  • slicesNivo - Specify how many slices the animations will have. Only available for slice animations. The default value is 15
  • boxColsNivo - Specify how many cols the box animations will have. Only available for box animations. The default value is 8
  • boxRowsNivo - Specify how many rows the box animations will have. Only available for box animations. The default value is #eeeeee
  • animSpeedNivo - Set the animation speed in milliseconds. The default value is 500
  • pauseTimeNivo - Set how long each slide will show in milliseconds. The default value is 3000
  • startSlideNivo - Set starting slide (0 index). The default value is 0
  • directionNavNivo - Display Next & Prev navigation. The default value is Yes
  • controlNavNivo - Display 1,2,3... navigation.. The default value is Yes
  • controlNavThumbsNivo - Display thumbnails if controlNavNivo is enabled. The default value is Yes
  • pauseOnHoverNivo - Pause on state hover. Not available for mobile devices. The default value is Yes
  • manualAdvanceNivo - Force manual transitions. The default value is No
  • prevTextNivo - The Prev direction navigation text. The default value is Prev
  • nextTextNivo - The Next direction navigation text. The default value is Next
  • randomStartNivo - Set to start on a random slide. The default value is No
  • themeNivo - Set the theme that the Nivo Slider will use. The default value is No

The octosliderNivo component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:

  • nivoItems - a list of octoslider items loaded from the database.
  • effectNivo - contains the value of the effectNivo component's property.
  • slicesNivo - contains the value of the slicesNivo component's property.
  • boxColsNivo - contains the value of the boxColsNivo component's property.
  • boxRowsNivo - contains the value of the boxRowsNivo component's property.
  • animSpeedNivo - contains the value of the animSpeedNivo component's property.
  • pauseTimeNivo - contains the value of the pauseTimeNivo component's property.
  • startSlideNivo - contains the value of the startSlideNivo component's property.
  • directionNavNivo - contains the value of the directionNavNivo component's property.
  • controlNavNivo - contains the value of the controlNavNivo component's property.
  • controlNavThumbsNivo - contains the value of the controlNavThumbsNivo component's property.
  • pauseOnHoverNivo - contains the value of the pauseOnHoverNivo component's property.
  • manualAdvanceNivo - contains the value of the manualAdvanceNivo component's property.
  • prevTextNivo - contains the value of the prevTextNivo component's property.
  • nextTextNivo - contains the value of the nextTextNivo component's property.
  • randomStartNivo - contains the value of the randomStartNivo component's property.
  • themeNivo - contains the value of the themeNivo component's property.

The next example shows the basic octosliderNivo component usage:

title = "Home"
url = "/"

idSlide = "1"
jqueryIncludeNivo = "no"
effectNivo = "random"
slicesNivo = "15"
boxColsNivo = "8"
boxRowsNivo = "4"
animSpeedNivo = "500"
pauseTimeNivo = "3000"
startSlideNivo = "0"
directionNavNivo = "true"
controlNavNivo = "true"
controlNavThumbsNivo = "false"
pauseOnHoverNivo = "true"
manualAdvanceNivo = "false"
prevTextNivo = "Prev"
nextTextNivo = "Next"
randomStartNivo = "false"
themeNivo = "none"
<!-- Nivo Slider -->
<div class="container">
    {% component 'octosliderNivo' %}
<!-- /End Nivo Slider -->

The octosliderNivo component is coded in the default component partial plugins/octodevel/octoslider/components/nivo/default.htm. If the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the {% component %} call in the example above with the partial contents.

For more information visit the Nivo slider documentation:

Simple Item Component

Use the octosliderSimple component to display the slider item. The component has the following properties:

  • idSlide - Choose an item previously registered to use their images to slide.

The octosliderSimple component injects the following variables to the page where it's used:

  • nivoItems - a list of octoslider items loaded from the database.

The next example shows the basic octosliderNivo component usage:

title = "Home"
url = "/"

idSlide = "1"
<!-- My Own Slider -->
<div class="container">
    {% component 'octosliderSimple' %}
<!-- /End My Own Slider -->

The octosliderSimple component is coded in the default component partial plugins/octodevel/octoslider/components/simple/default.htm. If the default markup is not suitable for your website, feel free to copy it from the default partial and replace the {% component %} call in the example above with the partial contents.


octobercms slider, based on octoslider






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