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Jinho D. Choi edited this page Apr 19, 2016 · 22 revisions

Quiz 1

Currently, our tokenizer cannot handle acronyms and 's when they are followed by another punctuation (e.g., "U.S." or Jinho's,). Your task is to improve the tokenizer so it can handle such cases.

Quiz 2

Write phrase structure trees for the following sentence in the Penn Treebank format.

Emory University is a private research university in metropolitan Atlanta, located in the Druid Hills.
  • Examples of phrase structure trees in the Penn Treebank can be found here.
  • The Penn Treebank guidelines can be found here.
  • Create a text file quiz2.txt containing two trees in the parenthetical notation and put it under the directory cs329/quiz2.
  • Stanford parser: demo.

Quiz 3

  • Create a virtual machine at Azure: guidelines.

  • Login to your Azure account by typing the following command on a terminal. If you don't have a terminal, try putty. Replace yourID with your Emory ID and with your public IP address.

  • Install Java 8 by running the following commands:

    sudo apt-add-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default
  • Enter the following commands:

    cat /etc/*-release > info.txt
    java -version 2>> info.txt
  • Login to your mathcs account:

  • Create a directory cs329/quiz3 by entering the following command:

    mkdir -p cs329/quiz3
  • Copy info.txt from your Azure account to your mathcs account:

    scp [email protected]:~yourID/info.txt cs329/quiz3/
  • Check if info.txt is copied to your mathcs account by running the following command:

    cat cs329/quiz3/info.txt

Quiz 4

  • What is the difference between syntax and semantics? What is the difference between dependency structures and predicate argument structures? Create a file quiz4.txt under cs329/quiz4 containing your answer.

Quiz 5

  • Go to the WordNet online demo.
  • Given the paragraph below, answer the following questions using WordNet. Create your own entailments if needed. Create a file quiz5.txt under cs329/quiz5 containing your answer.
  • How many siblings do I have?
  • Do I get along with my step-sister?
  • Was my brother sleeping around 3am last night?
  • Is my sister usually depressed?
  • Was my sister depressed yesterday?
  • Did I ever know my sister’s birthday?
  • Did my sister get a gift from me?
I have a big brother, a little sister, and a step-sister.
I bond with my step-sister.
My brother snored at 3am last night.
My sister is usually cheerful but she was low yesterday because I forgot her birthday so I bought a gift for her.

Quiz 6

Write an abstract (up to 200 words) about your approach on homework 2. Try to signify your work over the baseline approach. We will select the top 12 work for presentations. Create a file quiz6.txt under cs329/quiz6 containing your answer.

Quiz 7

Describe a mechanism that would change the learning rate during the training in a meaningful way. Create a file quiz7.txt under cs329/quiz7 containing the answer.

Quiz 8

Laplace smoothing gives a way of avoiding 0 probability; however, it still gives a very small probability that does not necessarily reflect the true probability of the unseen word. Describe a way of improving Laplace s smoothing. Create a file quiz8.txt under cs329/quiz8 containing the answer.

Computational Linguistics


Emory University

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