NOTE - See the develop branch - set as default - for the latest updates.
Welcome to the EMIT Level 3 science data system repository. To understand how this repository is linked to the rest of the emit-sds repositories, please see the repository guide.
This repository executes two different actions - mosaic generation and data aggregation to an ESM-scale product. SpectralUnmixing was previously a part of this repository, but has been relocated.
Example call to construct a mosaic-glt (3-band image denoting x-offset, y-offset, and file number):
Additional arguments:
--criteria_mode, type = String, default = "distance", help = "Band-ordering criteria mode. Options are min or max (require criteria file), or distance (uses closest point)
--criteria_band, type = Int64, default = 1, help = "band of criteria file to use"
--criteria_file_list, type = String, help = "file(s) to be used for criteria"
--target_extent_ul_lr, type = Float64, nargs=4, help = "extent to build the mosaic of"
--mosaic, type = Int32, default=1, help = "treat as a mosaic"
--output_epsg, type = Int32, default=4326, help = "epsg to write to destination"
--log_file, type = String, default = nothing, help = "log file to write to"
Example call to apply a mosaic-glt to create a mosaic:
Additional arguments:
-band_numbers, nargs='+', type=int, default=-1, help='list of 0-based band numbers, or -1 for all'
-n_cores, type=int, default=-1
-log_file, type=str, default=None
-log_level, type=str, default='INFO'
-run_with_missing_files, type=int, default=0, choices=[0,1]
-ip_head, type=str
-redis_password, type=str
-one_based_glt, type=int, choices=[0,1], default=0
-mosaic, type=int, choices=[0,1], default=0