is a utility for migrating EMDB-SFF files from older to the latest version of the data model
(see https://emdb-empiar.github.io/EMDB-SFF/ for the latest version).
It currently only supports migrations of XML (.sff
) files from EMDB-SFF v0.7.0.dev0
The main entry point for this utility is the sff-migrate
command. Please consult the command-line help using:
~$ sff-migrate -h
usage: sff-migrate [-h] [-t TARGET_VERSION] [-o OUTFILE] [-v] [-l] [-s]
Upgrade EMDB-SFF files to more recent schema
positional arguments:
infile input XML file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
the target version to migrate to [default: 0.8.0.dev1]
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
outfile file [default: <infile>_<target>.xml]
-v, --verbose verbose output [default: False]
-l, --list-versions list supported versions [default: False]
-s, --show-version show the version of the input file [default: False]
Migrating is simple:
~$ sff-migrate file.sff
List supported versions:
~$ sff-migrate -l
versions migratable to 0.8.0.dev1:
* 0.7.0.dev0
Show the file's version:
~$ sff-migrate -s sfftk_migrate/data/xml/emd_1547.sff
file sfftk_migrate/data/xml/emd_1547.sff is of version 0.7.0.dev0
~$ sff-migrate -s sfftk_migrate/data/xml/emd_1547_v0.8.0.dev1.sff
file sfftk_migrate/data/xml/emd_1547_v0.8.0.dev1.sff is of version v0.8.0.dev0
is free and open source software released under the terms of the Apache License,
Version 2.0. Source code is copyright EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) 2020.
Source code is available from the Github repository: https://github.com/emdb-empiar/sfftk-migrate