Buildspace Memoirs is a blockchain-based web app built with Solidity, NextJS, and Tailwind CSS. The app allows users to post memoir titles, and users with a Buildspace NFT can create and vote on these ideas.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
NPM or Yarn
Clone the repository:
git clone<your-username>/buildspace-memoirs.git
Install dependencies:
cd buildspace-memoirs
npm install
cd buildspace-memoirs
yarn install
npm run
yarn dev
The app is currently deployed on the Rinkeby test net. To deploy your own version, follow these steps:
Create a new Rinkeby account and get some test ether from the Rinkeby faucet.
Configure your hardhat network settings in hardhat.config.js.
Compile and deploy the smart contract:
npm run compile
npm run deploy
yarn compile
yarn deploy
Update the contract address in the frontend code (pages/index.js).
Build and export the frontend:
npm run export
yarn export
Deploy the static files to a web server or hosting service like vercel
Solidity - The programming language for the smart contract
NextJS - The web framework for the frontend
Tailwind CSS - The CSS framework for styling
Hardhat - The development environment and testing framework for the smart contract