Jasper is an experimental language that brings javascript halfway to arc. It's still pretty much in flux.
Try jasper in your browser at http://ema-fox.github.io/jasper
It differs from arc by
- representing lists by arrays and not cons cells.
- having no TCO.
- being ugly.
It differs from javascript by
- having macros.
- everything is an expression.
After cloning this repo, get the compiler:
$ wget ema-fox.github.io/jasper/compile.jpr.js
Compile your copy of the compiler:
$ node compile.jpr.js parse.jpr libcompile.jpr compile.jpr
Run the repl:
$ node compile.jpr.js -i
¿ (map [+ _ 1] '(1 2 3))
(2 3 4)
Use the -w option if you want the compiler to automatically recompile when its input files change. (Like coffeeScript does it)