composer require eluhr/yii2-notification-module
use eluhr\notification\components\Notification as NotificationComponent;
use eluhr\notification\Module as NotificationModule;
'modules' => [
'notification' => [
'class' => NotificationModule::class
'translatemanager' => [
'root' => [
'components' => [
'notification' => [
'class' => NotificationComponent::class,
'mailer' => 'mailer', // OPTIONAL: Default -> mailer
'fromEmail' => '[email protected]' // REQUIRED
'controllerMap' => [
'migrate' => [
'migrationPath' => [
Inbox from the point of view of a user with all authorizations
Write a message to individual users or entire user groups | Search messages by subject, author or text |
Group users to create your own personal user groups | Mark, read or delete messages |
Requires PHP version >= 7.*
ExampleModel extends ActiveRecord implements ModelChangeNotification {
* @return array
public function behaviors()
$behaviors = parent::behaviors();
$behaviors['notification'] = [
'class' => ModelChangeNotification::class,
'receiverIds' => [MessageUserGroup::MESSAGE_USER_GROUP_ID_PREFIX . '1']
return $behaviors;
* @return string
public function subject()
return $this->isNewRecord ? 'New entry' : ('Updated entry #' . $this->id);
* @return string
public function text()
$text = Html::tag('pre', htmlentities(json_encode($this->attributes, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)));
$text .= Html::tag('p', Html::a('Direct link',['/widgets/crud/widget-template/view','id' => $this->id], true));
return $text;
More infos coming soon
The following stuff will probably come in a future release
- Draft messages for later use
- Ability to remove messages
- Mark messages from users with a label or something
- Notification Widget (AdminLTE)
- Delete (inbox) message in overview (three dots option edit)
- Translation config