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demos_notebook_tests #645


demos_notebook_tests #645

name: demos_notebook_tests
# * is a special character in YAML so you have to quote this string
# Run every 8 hours (cron hours should divide 24 equally, otherwise there will be an overlap at the end of the day)
- cron: '0 */4 * * *'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# let's not run this on every fork, change to your fork when developing
if: github.repository == 'mlrun/ce' || github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch'
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Extract private key
run: echo "${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_MLRUN_PEM }}" > mlrun.pem
- name: Set permissions on key
run: chmod 400 mlrun.pem
- name: Install sshpass
run: sudo apt-get install -y sshpass
- name: Copy pem to remote machine
run: |
sudo scp -r -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem /home/runner/work/ce ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }}:/home/${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}/ce
- name: Cleaning instance
run: |
sshpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} <<EOF
echo "helm uninstall mlrun-ce"
helm uninstall -n mlrun mlrun-ce || echo true
echo "helm uninstall monitoring"
helm uninstall -n mlrun monitoring || echo true
echo "delete pv, pvc from mlrun"
kubectl delete all --all -n mlrun
echo "deleting mlrun namepsace";
kubectl delete namespace mlrun || echo true
- name: Creating mlrun namespace
run: |
sshpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} <<EOF
echo "create mlrun namepsace"
kubectl create namespace mlrun
echo "k8s namespaces - $(kubectl get namespace)"
- name: Creating docker registry secret
run: |
sshpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} <<EOF
kubectl --namespace mlrun create secret docker-registry registry-credentials \
--docker-server ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_DOCKER_SERVER }} \
--docker-username ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_DOCKER_USERNAME }} \
--docker-email=${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_DOCKER_EMAIL }} \
--docker-password=${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_DOCKER_PASSWORD }}
- name: CE installation
run: |
sshpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} <<EOF
echo $(pwd)
cd ce/ce/charts/mlrun-ce
echo $(ls)
echo "helm dependency update"
helm dependency update
echo "installing community edition"
helm install mlrun-ce --namespace mlrun \
--set minio.resources.requests.memory="128Mi" \
--set jupyterNotebook.persistence.size="1Gi" \
--set mlrun.db.persistence.size="1Gi" \
--set mlrun.api.persistence.size="1Gi" \
--set mpi-operator.deployment.create="true" \
--set global.registry.url=${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_DOCKER_URL }} --set global.registry.secretName=registry-credentials \
--set global.externalHostAddress=${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} \
--set nuclio.dashboard.externalIPAddresses[0]=${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} \
--wait --debug --timeout=1h .
- name: Run demos from Jupyter pod notebook - news_article_nlp
uses: appleboy/[email protected]
host: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }}
username: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_MLRUN_PEM }}
command_timeout: 20m
script: |
jupyter_pod=$(kubectl -n mlrun get pods -o name | grep jupyter | head -n 1 | cut -d / -f 2)
kubectl exec -n mlrun $jupyter_pod -- /bin/sh -c "jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute /home/jovyan/demos/news-article-nlp/news_article_nlp.ipynb --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --output=/home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/1-news-article-nlp.ipynb"
- name: Run demos from Jupyter pod notebook - 1-training-and-evaluation.ipynb
uses: appleboy/[email protected]
host: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }}
username: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_MLRUN_PEM }}
command_timeout: 20m
script: |
jupyter_pod=$(kubectl -n mlrun get pods -o name | grep jupyter | head -n 1 | cut -d / -f 2)
kubectl exec -n mlrun $jupyter_pod -- /bin/sh -c "jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute /home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/1-training-and-evaluation.ipynb --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --output=/home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/1-training-and-evaluation.ipynb"
- name: Run demos from Jupyter pod notebook - 2-serving.ipynb
uses: appleboy/[email protected]
host: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }}
username: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_MLRUN_PEM }}
command_timeout: 20m
script: |
jupyter_pod=$(kubectl -n mlrun get pods -o name | grep jupyter | head -n 1 | cut -d / -f 2)
kubectl exec -n mlrun $jupyter_pod -- /bin/sh -c "jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute /home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/2-serving.ipynb --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --output=/home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/2-serving.ipynb"
- name: Run demos from Jupyter pod notebook - 3-automatic-pipeline.ipynb
uses: appleboy/[email protected]
host: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }}
username: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}
key: ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_MLRUN_PEM }}
command_timeout: 20m
script: |
jupyter_pod=$(kubectl -n mlrun get pods -o name | grep jupyter | head -n 1 | cut -d / -f 2)
kubectl exec -n mlrun $jupyter_pod -- /bin/sh -c "jupyter nbconvert --to notebook --execute /home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/3-automatic-pipeline.ipynb --ExecutePreprocessor.kernel_name=python3 --output=/home/jovyan/demos/mask-detection/3-automatic-pipeline.ipynb"
- name: Deleting junk
if: ${{ always() }}
run: |
sshpass ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i mlrun.pem ${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_USERNAME }}@${{ secrets.TEST_SYSTEM_IP }} <<EOF
rm -rf /home/ubuntu/ce
rm -rf mlrun.pem