A command-line utility for deploying and managing cloud services with ease.
- Seamless Deployment: Deploy networking, cloud VM, route table, security group, and software with a single command.
- Resource Management: Tear down everything deployed without leaving residues.
- Service Status Check: Get real-time status updates for your software installation and service.
: Used for provisioning resources. Ensure it's installed.AWS credentials
: Ready these before deploying any service.
deploy up
: Deploy a service, including networking, cloud VM, route table, security group, and software.deploy destroy
: Destroy everything deployed by "deploy up".deploy status
: Check the software installation progress and service status.
Navigate to the services
(base) Elias-Home-Mac:services eliassun$ ls
deploy deploy.py service_aws_freeswitch_base service_aws_freeswitch_lb
Execute the deploy command:
(base) Elias-Home-Mac:services eliassun$ ./deploy up
Follow the prompts to input necessary details like the service name and AWS credentials.
After executing deploy up, two crucial files are generated in the "services" directory:
Private Key File (.pem)
: Used for SSH access to the server.SH Instructions (ssh_instructions.txt)
: Provides step-by-step instructions for server login.
Example of ssh_instructions.txt:
This Terraform configuration generates and stores critical files in the "services" directory. It is crucial to backup and secure these files:
1. Terraform State File (terraform.tfstate): Contains the state of the managed infrastructure and configuration.
2. SSH Private Key File (.pem): Essential for VM access.
Store these files securely and backup regularly. DO NOT delete or lose them.
*****FreeSWITCH IPs*****
***SSH Instructions***
SSH to the FreeSWITCH instance:
ssh -i ser-key-0iug03ggczwm.pem ubuntu@<FreeSWITCH_Instance_Public_IP>
Replace <FreeSWITCH_Instance_Public_IP> with the actual public IP, e.g.,:
ssh -i ser-key-0iug03ggczwm.pem [email protected]
Logging Into The Server Use the provided instructions in ssh_instructions.txt to SSH into the deployed server:
(base) Elias-Home-Mac:services eliassun$ ssh -i ser-key-0iug03ggczwm.pem [email protected]
For the first connection, you'll authenticate the host. Once inside, you will access the Ubuntu system.
Note: Ensure the .pem private key and ssh_instructions.txt are securely stored and accessed only by authorized personnel.
Never share your AWS credentials or store them in scripts or logs. Use the IP restriction feature wisely to secure your services.
Licensed under the MIT License. Refer to the LICENSE file for details.