- 1D Prefix Sum
- 2D Prefix Sum
- 1D Difference
- Disjoint Set (Union Find Algorithm)
- Trie
- Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree)
- Discretization
- Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
- Integer Modulo Operation
- Cache Decorator
- Adjacency List
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Linear Sieve (Euler Sieve)
- Chtholly Tree
- Non-rotational Treap
- Block-based Algorithm
- Segment Tree (point update & range query)
- Sparse Table
- Binary Search on Answer
- Binary Search on Segment Tree
- Segment Tree (range update)
- Dynamic Segment Tree (Lazy Node Creation)
- Computational Geometry
- Splay
- String Hashing
To be continued...