A gradle plugin that houses the logic to build ElectricFlow plugins.
To build plugin use ./gradlew jar. To upload on Bintray use ./gradlew bintrayUpload. If you make multiple uploads of same version, make sure you delete version through bintray web interface.
Sample build.gradle:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url 'http://dl.bintray.com/ecpluginsdev/maven'
dependencies {
classpath group: 'com.electriccloud.plugins', name: 'flow-gradle-plugin', version: '+'
group = 'com.electriccloud'
description = "Plugins : <plugin name>"
version = "1.0.0"
apply plugin: 'flow-gradle-plugin'
createPluginProject - Create new plugin project
createConfiguration - Create configuration for plugin Parameters:
- createFormFile file with FormXML for create configuration
- editFormFile file with FormXML for configuration editing
- configPropertyName name of property that contains configuration name
createForm - Create new FormXML definition Parameters:
- formFile file with FormXML
- formDescription description of form
removeForm - Remove FormXML definition Parameters:
- formName name of form to be removed
When running plugin tasks, following variables can be set to customize them:
- COMMANDER_SERVER hostname or IP address of ElectricFlow server (default is localhost)
- COMMANDER_HOME path to installed ElectricFlow (default is /opt/electriccloud/electriccommander)
- COMMANDER_USER login name for ElectricFlow user (default is admin)
- COMMANDER_USER password for ElectricFlow user (default is changeme)
- BUILD_NUMBER build number for plugin, included in plugin version (default is 0)
- TESTFRAMEWORK_HOME path to internal plugin testing framework, for perl and system tests
- RTJAR6_PATH path to jre's rt.jar (for example, /build/lib/java6/rt.jar)