Investigation into storing ONS geography in Neo4j and tying to CMD heirarchies.
Install NEO4j:
This is split into 3 steps to remind me what these steps are and allow one to be consistent with CMD.
Go to Paste contents of codelists.cypher
On command line:
cypher-shell < hierarchy.cypher
On command line:
cypher-shell < relationships.cypher
##Test queries
List of all regions match(n:`_geography_group_` {code:'GOR10'})-[:usedBy]-(m:`_geography_location_`) return m
Return heirarchy for a given region match(n:`_geography_location_` {code:'E10000031'})-[:usedBy*]-(m:`_geography_hierarchy_`) return m
Return with wildcard match(n:`_geography_group_` {code:'GOR10'})-[:usedBy]-(m:`_geography_location_`) where m.label =~ 'North.*' return m
Return groups created before a specific year (2015) match(n:`_geography_group_`) where n.year < 2015 return n
is example of heirarchy file provided by ONS Geography team