Copyright © 2017-2019 ElasTest. Licensed under Apache 2.0 License.
The images here found are environments for compiling, building and/or test different ElasTest components.
You should add a new folder with the name of the image that contains at least:
- Dockerfile
- (following the template provided here)
This repository is part of ElasTest, which is an open source elastic platform aimed to simplify end-to-end testing. ElasTest platform is based on three principles: i) Test orchestration: Combining intelligently testing units for creating a more complete test suite following the “divide and conquer” principle. ii) Instrumentation and monitoring: Customizing the SuT (Subject under Test) infrastructure so that it reproduces real-world operational behavior and allowing to gather relevant information during testing. iii) Test recommendation: Using machine learning and cognitive computing for recommending testing actions and providing testers with friendly interactive facilities for decision taking.
The ElasTest project provides detailed documentation including tutorials, installation and development guide.
Source code for other ElasTest projects can be found in the GitHub ElasTest Group.
Follow us on Twitter @ElasTest Twitter.