This is a mobile movie app built with Expo, allowing users to search for movies, view details, and save their favorite movies. The app leverages the Movie Database Alternative API for fetching movie data.
The UI design is influenced by this file
- Search Movies: Easily search for your favorite movies by title.
- View Details: Click on a movie to see additional details such as IMDb rating and description.
- Favorite Movies: Save and manage a list of your favorite movies.
- Persistent Favorites: Your favorited movies are saved locally, even after closing the app.
- Color Theme Support: The app supports light and dark themes for a better user experience in different lighting conditions.
Make sure you have the following installed:
git clone
cd movie-app
Run the following command to install the required packages:
yarn install
or using npm:
npm install
Run the following command to install the required packages:
After setting up, run the app with Expo:
yarn start
or using npm:
npm start
This will start the Expo development server, and you can scan the QR code with your phone to launch the app or run it in a simulator.