CDN booster
This is a dumb HTTP proxy, which caches files obtained from upstreamHost.
Thanks to YBC it has the following features:
- It is extremely fast. According to my artificial tests go-cdn-booster easily handles 2x-4x more requests per second comparing to nginx with enabled proxy cache (100K vs 25K).
- Cached items survive go-cdn-booster restart if backed by cacheFilesPath.
- Cache size isn't limited by RAM size.
- Optimized for SSDs and HDDs.
- Performance shouldn't depend on the number of cached items.
- It has protection agains dogpile effect (aka "thundering herd").
- It is deadly simple in configuration and maintenance. There is no need in running 'cleaners', 'watchdogs' or other similar tools. There is no need in setting up third-party libraries and/or tools. There is no need in writing complex configuration files. Just pass a couple of command line arguments to it and enjoy!
Thanks to Go it has the following features:
- Scales automatically to multiple CPUs.
- Handles large number of concurrent connections with minimum performance loss and minimum memory usage.
- Supports keep-alive connections to upstream servers out-of-the-box.
- Has easy-to-read-and-hack code.
Additional features:
- Absolutely protected from slowloris DoS. See for details.
- Easily handles more than 100K requests per second.
- Enforce a certain protocol (eg. HTTP/HTTPS) when talking to the upstream. Useful, for example, to serve content over HTTP but fetch it from the upstream over HTTPS.
Currently go-cdn-booster has the following limitations:
- Supports only GET requests.
- Doesn't respect HTTP headers received from both the client and the upstream host.
- Optimized for small static files aka images, js and css with sizes not exceeding few Mb each.
- It caches all files without expiration time. Actually this is a feature :)
- It caches only responses with 200 status codes.
- It caches only responses with excplicitly set Content-Length.
Use cases:
- Substitution for Nginx, Varnish, etc. in front of large and/or slow static file servers.
- Poor-man's DIY geographically distributed CDN.
How to build and run it?
$ sudo apt-get install golang $ go get -u $ go build -tags release $ ./cdn-booster -help