Low-Q2 particle reconstruction using onnx framework #8482
10 errors
Run EICrecon
CKFCKF CombinatorialKalmanFilter failed: CombinatorialKalmanFilterError:5 Propagation reaches max steps before track finding is finished with the initial parameters:
Run EICrecon
CKFCKF CombinatorialKalmanFilter failed: CombinatorialKalmanFilterError:5 Propagation reaches max steps before track finding is finished with the initial parameters:
Run EICrecon
CKF no intersection found
Run EICrecon
CKF failed to find track state for extrapolation
Run EICrecon
CKF Extrapolation for seed 2 and track 1 failed with error TrackExtrapolationError:2
Run EICrecon
CKFCKF CombinatorialKalmanFilter failed: CombinatorialKalmanFilterError:5 Propagation reaches max steps before track finding is finished with the initial parameters:
Run EICrecon
CKFCKF CombinatorialKalmanFilter failed: CombinatorialKalmanFilterError:5 Propagation reaches max steps before track finding is finished with the initial parameters:
Run EICrecon
CKFPropagato Propagation reached the step count limit of 1000 (did 1000 steps)
Run EICrecon
CKF failed to extrapolate track: PropagatorError:3
Run EICrecon
CKF Extrapolation for seed 9 and track 4 failed with error PropagatorError:3