Implement the following simplified physical operators by using the iterator model:
- Print: Prints tuples separated by newlines. Attributes should be separated with a comma without any extra spaces.
- Projection: Generates tuples with a subset of attributes.
- Select: Filters tuples by a given predicate. Each predicate consists of one
relational operator (
l == r
,l != r
,l < r
,l <= r
,l > r
,l >= r
) wherel
stands for an attribute andr
stands for an attribute or a constant. - Sort: Sorts tuples by the given attributes and direction (ascending or descending).
- HashJoin: Computes the inner equi-join of two inputs on one attribute.
- HashAggregation: Groups and calculates (potentially multiple) aggregates on the input.
- Union: Computes the union of two inputs with set semantics.
- UnionAll: Computes the union of two inputs with bag semantics.
- Intersect: Computes the intersection of two inputs with set semantics.
- IntersectAll: Computes the intersection of two inputs with bag semantics.
- Except: Computes the difference of two inputs with set semantics. (defaults to left tuple)
- ExceptAll: Computes the difference of two inputs with bag semantics.
To pass tuples between the operators, implement a Register
class that
represents a single attribute. It should support storing 64 bit signed integers
and fixed size strings of length 16.
Add the implementation are in the files src/include/operators/operators.h
. There you can find the Register
class and one class for
each operator.