Arcadia CMS lets you create a Laravel based CMS with just few steps of configuration.
- Repo:
- Support:
- Web Site:
- Demo Site: ASAP with version alpha 2
The purpose is create a simple User Managment System with Laravel 4 because I think it is one of the best PHP Framework at the moment, you should give it a try.
This system will be composed by:
- Front end made with "Foundation 4" by Zurb (
- User sign up and sign in with profile management.
- Admin backend with user management.
- News feed with Auth comments.
- Multilanguage supports (at least two: Italian and English)
If you want to contribute feel free to fork this project, pull requests and open issue tickets please read the Contributing Rules first.
Hope you will enjoy with this.
Arcadia CMS it's very easy to install. Just clone this repo (or download it) and follow this few steps:
- Generate the key via Terminal using
php artisan key:generate
- Open /app/config/app.php and fill the detail about url, debug. They are very well commented so just go there and read the comments. This is an example:
'debug' => true,
'url' => '',
- Open /bootstrap/start.php file and change the local machine name with your machine name. This is useful because you can set as many configurations as possible.
'local' => array('local.*','Your-machine-name.*');
- Open /app/config/database.php and choose the Database you prefer most. The default Database is mysql and it has travis data due testing purpose. You should use the /app/config/local/database.php in order to have a local database setting.
'default' => 'mysql',
'mysql' => array(
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => '',
'database' => 'arcadia',
'username' => 'travis',
'password' => '',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
'prefix' => '',
Create the Database with the name that you want. The default is arcadia.
Open Terminal and run
php artisan migrate
and if everything is correct you should see your database with all the tables.
- If you want to populate your database with some examples just run
php artisan db:seed
Last optional step: Go to /app/database/migrations/relations.sql copy & paste the SQL and use it. I've to understand how merge this with migrations sorry.
Run it in any browser and Enjoy.