Create a new project where jenkins will be deployed.
oc new-project serv-jenkins
Create a persistent Jenkins instance with:
- A persistent volume claim wit at elast 4GB.
- CPU request 500m and CPU limit of 2 cores.
- Memory request of 1Gi and memory limit of 2Gi.
oc new-app jenkins-persistent --param ENABLE_OAUTH=true --param MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi --param VOLUME_CAPACITY=4Gi --param DISABLE_ADMINISTRATIVE_MONITORS=true
oc set resources dc jenkins --limits=memory=2Gi,cpu=2 --requests=memory=1Gi,cpu=500m
3. Create a file with the pod agent definition.
4. Create ConfigMap with the agent definition file podTemplate.xml.
``` bash
oc create configmap serv-agent --from-file=./jenkins/podTemplate.xml -n serv-jenkins
5.Label the ConfigMap so that Jenkins know it's the definition for the agent.
oc label configmap serv-agent role=jenkins-slave
6. Use the provided script ./openshift/settingEnv.sh to setup the environments. Don't forget to provide the environments and the credentials to pull the images.
* Jenkins need to be able to create resources in the different environments
* The environment must be able to pull images from private registries.