Interpreters for Tiny Basic written in GW-Basic, C, C#, Java, Pascal, Python, VB.Net and others. These are Pure interpreters, e.g., no byte code, no AST, not even pre-tokenized - although the lexical analyzer is separate from the parser.
For instance, gw.bas is an interpreter for Tiny Basic written in GW-Basic.
It supports:
- bye/quit, clear, cls, end/stop, help, list, load, new, run, tron, troff
- for = to ... next
- gosub ... return
- goto
- if then
- input [prompt,]
- [let] =
- print <expr|string>[,<expr|string>][;]
- rem or '
- Operators: + - * / < <= > >= <> =
- Integer variables a..z, and single integer array: @(expr)
- Functions: abs(expr), asc(ch), rnd(expr), sgn(expr)
- ":" to allow multiple statements per line.
- Line numbers are required for programs, but has an interactive mode too.
Has enough features that it can run a Tiny Basic version of Star Trek, and a Tiny Basic version of MineSweeper.
The GW-Basic version was tested in DoxBox running GWBASIC version 3.23, and with PC-Basic .
- Star Trek is a version of the Star Trek game, that most interpreters can run.
- MineSweeper is a version of the Mine Sweeper game, that most interpreters can run.
If you just enter a statement without a line number, it is run interactively: